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"Mommy" Gen says crawling into my bed.

The house we live in is quite large. I get scared being here by myself sometimes so it's completely normal for Gen to come crawling in the bed at night. I always welcome her with open arms.

"Hi Dove" I coo pulling her into my chest.

"I missed you" She mumbles hugging me.

Genevieve is almost 3 talking in full and complete sentences. My mother would murder me if she wasn't.

"I saw you before you went to sleep silly girl" I say kissing her head.

"I missed you in my dreams" She says causing me to giggle.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Yes, let me just put away this work." I tell her taking my glasses off. I grab the newly approved transfer files and put them in my work purse. An old coach tote.

Once I'm done I turn on some low music and turn the lights off. I lay down next to the small girl pulling her to my chest.

"Love you Mommy" She mumbles.

"I love you too dove" I press a kiss to her forehead. Falling asleep without much fuss.

The next morning

I'm dressed in my favorite maroon dress pants and a light pink top, my favorite work heels. My black So Kate shoes and my work purse with my mini purse to match. Gigi's outfit matches mine since she is going with my parents to our country club.

"Mommy" She says holding her little purse. I styled her curls (3b) into a low ponytail knowing she's going to wear a hat and probably her sunglasses all day.

"You look beautiful Dove." I press a kiss to her head. She smiles before going over to my vanity. She grabs 1 of my lip glosses and a mini hand lotion. Using both before putting them back.

"You can have them, put them in your purse." I tell her fixing her hair. She smiles putting the items in her purse.

"Are you ready to go?" She nods and I pick her up grabbing my 2 bags on the way out.

"Ms. Bellwood let my get your bags" Lucinda says grabbing my bags.

"Thank you Lucinda"

"We've already pulled your car around for you. We also packed that overnight bag you wanted." She says walking with me down the stairs.

"Thank you" I grab my water bottle from the kitchen counter before grabbing Gigi a juice box and a croissant.

"Nana is getting us breakfast" She says taking the juice box but not the snack.

I carry her all the way to the car saying Goodbye to the armed guards at the front door. Stephen puts Gigi in the car and my bags in the truck.

"Have a good day Ms. Bellwood" He says referring to the both of us.

"You too" I call out starting the car and driving down the driveway.

"Mommy, can we get a pink car?" She asks looking around the Audi car. Simple pearlescent white Audi A4 with tan interior, one of my 4 cars.

"What car were you thinking?" I ask turning the music down. She usually says some type a race car. Which I always say ask your grandpa who takes her to see them and she ends up hating them.

"I think we should get a Mercedes. I think they're pretty" She says.

"Ask your grandpa to take you to see one and if you really like it i'll think about it." I say and she nods smiling.

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