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2 weeks later

We left Seattle and went directly to France. My dad organized everything and we haven't spoken to anyone. Gen has been having the time of her life here. We went to Disney a few times, bought a bunch of clothes, cried while Gen slept.

I tried calling him but my phone wouldn't connect and I ended up buying a new phone. But I am happy to see Gen so happy. She's currently sleeping on the jet while we make our way back to the states.

"Miss Bellwood"

"Yes" I look at the server my father hired.

"Would you like something?"

"A Time Machine to get my husband back." I mumble and he gives me an odd look.

I shake my head and put my headphones on.

I read the book he left at the hospital for the 8th time. I run my fingers over his annotations. His lovey chicken scratch. 

I miss him. I miss his voice, his lopsided smile, his dry hair and hazel eyes.

"We'll be landing in 10 minutes" he tells me. I nod wiping the tears away. I pick Gen up and put her in the seat next to me. I buckle both of our seats and continue blasting my music.

When the plane lands I grab all of our things and put them in the trunk before grabbing Gen and putting her in the back seat and buckling her in the seat before getting in and going to the BAU.

"Gene My Love." I say loudly to wake her. She opens her eyes but doesn't say anything.

"Hi Mommy" she smiles after a while, sitting up.

"We're going to make one stop before we go home." I tell her turning into the FBI building. I park in the handicap spot. I don't feel like walking very far. I'm just here to let Aaron know that I am back and to give everyone their gifts. I grab my bag that has all their gifts and get Gen out of the car. I go into the building signing in and going up to the floor. I don't say anything and let Gen into the Bullpen first. She runs over to JJ.

She startles her and completely distracted her from the call she was in.

"Hi Darling" she coos picking her up. I smile and go up to Aaron's office, keeping my head down the whole time. I knock softly.

"Come in" He calls out. I open the door and see him doing his work.

"Hi" I smile as l take a seat across from him. His analytical stare looks over me.

"Were you crying?" I smile wiping my face again.

"Profiler of the year." I say thickly trying not to cry again.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, just sad. But I bought gifts. We went to Disney." I say grabbing his 2 gifts from the bag and laying them on the desk. I smile before getting up and leaving the room, I go to Dave's office. I knock before opening the door. Spencer sits on the couch. The tears I had wiped away many times resurfaced. Dave gets up to hug me. I rewipe the tears and hug him.

"I brought you gifts from Paris." I whisper. He smiles. I grab his gifts and put them on the table. I look at Spencer who was already watching my every move. I frown seeing he took his ring off. The tears flow harder.

"Can we talk please?" The sentence drowned in desperation. He nods reaching for his tie and loosening it. He gets up and walks out of the room. I follow letting my tears fall onto my white button up. He holds the door open to the round table room. I take a seat wiping my eyes. He closes both doors before sitting across from me.

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