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"Spence" She says drinking her 3rd water.


"Let's do it. I mean we've been dating for 2 days but fuck it. I mean worse that can happen is your abusive and we have to get divorced." I say

"I promise on my mother's life I will never put my hands on you with ill intentions." He says grabbing my hand.

"Spencer this is really crazy." I say softly

"Yea" he whispers as his phone rings.

Phone call


"Hi Princess"

"Can you come get me?"

"Why what's wrong?"

"I want to go home." She cries.

"We'll come get you."

"Thank you"

"Stop crying love it will be okay."

"I love you"

"I love you too"

End Call

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Gen wants to go home." He flags down a waiter.

"What why does she want to leave?"

"She didn't say." He says pulling out a few hundred dollars out.

"We wanted to pay our bill." The waiter grabs our bill, Spence opens it and places the money inside.

"Whatever is left is your tip." He says getting up and helping me out of my seat.

"Have a nice evening"

"You too"We say as he grabs our things. He rushes me out of the restaurant and into the car.

"Baby, you're going too fast." I say and he stops.

" I'm sorry, it's just the cry a-an."

"Hey, Whoa, breathe, it's okay."

"No one was there for me when I begged to go home. I just want to get to her as fast as possible." He says

"I do too but I'm breathing too hard. Let's just walk calmly together." I hold out my hand, he takes it. We walk to the car together and he opens my door and hugs me.

"We put her to bed, go get married be back before she even notices we gone." I say pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Can I buy you a ring?" He asks massaging my thigh.

"If you want to but you don't have to."

"You'll have a ring by the end of the week." I smile at him. He presses  kisses to my face before pulling away.

"God you're so pretty." He mumbles brushing hair out of my eyes.

"Thank you" I smile

"No I should be thanking you, pretty girl." He presses small kisses to my face.

"C'mon we have to get Gen." I remind.

"My Princess" He gasps. He quickly pulls away and closes the door. He walks around to get in.

"I meant to give you this." He mumbles reaching in the backseat. It's a small jewelry box.

"It's not jewelry but I think you're going to like it." He says starting the car.

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