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3 weeks later

Beautiful little Gen lays in my bed snuggled into me. She wanted to call Jack, so I let her use my laptop.

They're so adorable.

She ended up falling asleep so I talked with her boyfriend about his day.

I love them so much.

There's a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I lay my hand on Gen hiding her.

"Hey, I got you this. You said it looked pretty." She says standing nervously.

"Momma what's wrong?"

"I wanted to talk with you about something." I nod trying not to cry.

"Am I leaving?"

"No absolutely not. I wanted to um, -fuck. I'm really nervous. Can you tell?" She laughs pacing around.

"What's wrong you're scaring me."

"I'm pregnant but I didn't want to bring a baby into this world while you're still settling in because you wouldn't have my attention as much. But I also didn't want to abort the baby because of Nyla. So uh please don't get mad and scream because I can't take that right now. You and your sister are my priority and if you don't-"

"Mommy you're rambling." I giggle. She stops pacing and looks down at me. I pull my covers back so she can lay down in the bed with me.

"You are so sweet for considering my daughter. But if you would like to have a baby then I support you . You're MY mommy. I love you wholeheartedly and I would love more siblings." I smile hugging her.

"You're okay with me having a baby?"

"Absolutely" she begins crying. I hug her tightly letting her lay with us. I can hear the change in her breathing as she falls asleep. I kiss her cheek. I move my laptop off the bed and watch them sleep.

I look at what she bought me. It's the purse I was saving to buy. I smile looking at it. I send her the money that I was saving to buy it.

Theres a soft knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey, is your Mom in here?" Dad asks coming in the room with a glass of water.

"Yea, she was crying and Gen was already in here. She fell asleep a few minutes ago."

"Why was she crying? Do you know?"

"She was rambling about being pregnant and she started crying."

"Oh beautiful girl." He coos hugging me.

"I'm okay, she thought that I wouldn't want her to have the baby. She bought me a purse too."

"You're okay with us having the baby?" I nod softly.

"My Nyla was a blessing and I know how it affects me mentally. I know the feelings that may come up. But I also know you 2 are the best support system. I love you almost as much you love me. I know that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me or my feelings."

He just looks at me and smiles softly.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure what are we going to watch?" He walks around the bed and sits next to Gen. I turn the tv on and hand him the remote. He turns on Dr. Who and we sit and watch it together. I end up falling asleep with Mom.

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