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Sera asked to speak with Aaron before they left Seattle. Seeing as how she has to stay 2 more days. They want to see if she can do normal things without worrying about her heart.

A light knock sounds from the door frame.

Spencer went out to get him and Genevieve some food. A nice surprise when she wakes up.

"Hi" Aaron whispers setting down a bouquet of pink carnations.

"Hi" I move Gen off my chest into my lap so I can sit up.

"How are you feeling?" He pulls a chair to the edge of the bed.

"Nervous, I have a field test tomorrow. They want to give me coffee and put me outside to play with Gen." I say running my fingers through her hair. A smile rests on my face.

"Well I hope you do better." He frowns but since he has no real facial expressions it's a odd look on him.

"Sera, I'm really sorry for what I said to you. I was drinking again and I just feel aw-"

"We didn't come to discuss that, I've moved past it. I love you and I know that you have my best interest in mind. I also know you love and care for me. Emi also told me you have been groveling since we left. I forgive your childish outburst." I smile

"But I hurt you."

"I've already stated your outburst was childish. You used your fists, well in your case your hulk-ish grip, to hurt me because you got angry. You have anger issues which I thought you were working on but I guess not enough. See Aaron the difference between you and me is, I know life is short. Fuck grudges and long term attitudes towards someone. Live on the wild side. Like how Spencer and I are. Be free, go skinny dipping or something, break a law, nothing too bad considering you work for the government. But live your life freely, you're too uptight. The stick you shov-" Spencer walks into the room with 2 bouquets of flowers and large stuffed animal.

"Okay so sad part is, Only 1 of these things are yours. But, I love you and that counts for a lot." He says going over to the couch and setting the items down. He grabs the largest bouquet and gives them to me pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you" He presses a few more kisses to my lips before pulling away to sit down.

"But as I was saying. Before I was so rudely interrupted. You have a stick shoved so far up your ass I'm convinced it's touching your brain." I smile and he laughs, Not a hidden laugh, a full belly chuckle. Scaring my poor baby awake. She lets out a cry, Spencer pulling her into his arms. She instantly falls back asleep. I set the flowers on my night table.

"See now you scared my baby, that is a felony." I joke, his smile broadens.

"Alright Ronni, you have a plane to catch. I love you" I tell him

"I love you too" He smiles getting up to hug me, I press a kiss to his cheek.

"Bye Spencer."

"Bye Hotch" He leaves closing the behind himself. I turn to Spencer, who was already looking at me. I scoot over in the bed to make space for him.


"You have to eat"

"But I'm not hungry."

"You need sugar, So I brought you donuts. I also brought Gen cake. I just wanted to be a good husband so I bought a lot of things for Gen. If you don't want it I can take it back or I can bring them to the nurses' or u-" his face is turning pink with all his rambling.

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