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The next morning

"Hi Mommy" Gen whispers kissing my head.

"Hi Dovey" I would usually make a attempt to get up but I just don't want to. I think I want to stay in bed all day.

"Hi Love" Spencer whispers in a deep raspy voice.

"Hi" I press a kiss on his lips.

"As our official first day of our off the grid honeymoon. We're going to spend the day in bed." I announce sitting up. He lays his head in my lap. I massage his scalp grabbing my phone turning it on so Gen can call Jack. My phone begins dinging with messages. I unlock it and Facetime Aaron.

"Gene, talk to Jack before you fall back asleep." I shake the girl a bit sitting her next to me. Aaron answers before I can give her the phone.

"Sera" He pleas desperately.

"Nope" I say handing Gen the phone.

"Hi, can I talk to Jack?" She asks

"Phina, please"

"No, let Gen talk to Jack so she can go back to sleep." I say braiding Spencer's long hair.

He sighs before leaving the room to give the boy the phone.

"Hi Evie" he says

"Hi Alex" She greets laying her head on my side.

"Daddy is sad" he whispers


"Because Phina won't talk to him." I continue to mind my business. Spencer falls asleep in my lap, he looks so peaceful and pretty. My Pretty Boy.

"Jack" Aaron yells and takes the phone.

"Genevieve give your mother the phone." Gigi hands me the phone.


"You're on lockdown?" He accuses

"Yep" I get Gen to lay down next to Spencer where she falls asleep quickly.


"Because I want to be alone."

"Seraphina what the hell are you doing."

"What I want, can I just have the weekend to myself? Why do you think everything I do has something to do with you. Can't I be the grown adult that I am."

"You're still a child."

"I'm 26 in a house that I own with 36 million in my bank account. I'm as grown as I say I am. You can't boss me around." I hang up and see that my dad called. I call him back rolling my eyes at Aarons shear audacity.

"Dove what is going on?"

"I need a break, I'm okay we're just on lockdown for a few days." I tell him.

"Do you want me to visit you?"

"No, we're fine. I just want alone time."

"Okay I understand that but why is Aaron so mad?"

"Because I'm with Spencer."

"Oh, but you're okay though?"

"We're okay, Gene is sleeping but I can have her call you later. Is that alright?"

"Yea just take a nap you sound tired. I love you"

"I love you too dad" I hang up looking at Spencer and Gen. I look through my messages to see a million messages from Aaron.


Im sorry. I should not have brought up Gen like that.


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