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"Spence" Sera mumbles rolling on her back.

"Hi My Love" I whisper

She rolls off the couch into my lap. I kiss her lips.

"How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, how about you?" She asks closing her eyes.

"I um"

"Did you sleep?" I shake my head.

"Baby, you have to sleep." She says straddling my waist. I hug her laying my head on her chest.

"I love you" I whisper falling asleep in her arms.

Sera's POV

I look at my pretty boy. I kiss his head. I attempt to get up but he holds onto me.

"Mommy" Gen mumbles sitting up.

"I'm over here dove." She looks up and gets off the chair. She comes over to us. I press a kiss to her lips.

"Hi Mommy."

"Hi Dovey"

"Can I go get in the bed?"

"Yea Dovey. Let me get up really quick." I remove Spencer's arms.

"Baby" I shake him a bit. He opens his eyes to looks at me. I grab Gen and put her in his arms.

"Go get in the bed, take Gene with you." I tell him kissing his lips.

I get up and go over to Lola. I pick her up and take her over to Em. I lay Lola in her arms covering both of them with a blanket.

Penelope already left. I don't know when but I will text her in the morning to make sure she got home safely.

I go up the stairs to see Spencer grabbing a 2 t-shirts. He helps Gen out of her clothes and puts the t-shirt on her. He then tucks her into the bed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He then grabs a pair of pajamas from himself. He takes them to the bathroom. I go over to the bed taking my clothes off. I take the shirt he laid out and pull it on. My hair is gonna be messy when I get up but it's whatever. I climb into the bed, Gen laying on my chest. I fall asleep quickly.

Narrator's POV

Spencer finishes changing and leaves his bathroom to find his new wife and step daughter in the bed. The newfound relationship between the 2 has grown exponentially over the past few days.

Is it love at first sight?


Are the couple being stupid and rushing into the relationship.

Who really knows.

The next morning

Sera, Spencer and Gen all wake up early enough to make breakfast and take Lola back home. Since it wasn't planned that she sleep there anyways. Mark and Lucy were glad for the night off but were excited about Lola's growth with her stuttering. When she's with her parent's she feels a bit of pressure to make her Momma proud by not stuttering which causes her stutter to get worse. So the only time she really doesn't stutter is with Sera and Gen.

Emily's POV

I didn't have any clothes to hide my small bump. All I have is my tight red tank top, my boobs have grown so the shirt is tighter then usual. Which is just wonderful. I walk into work with my bag and a decaf coffee in my hand. I say Hi to everyone in the bullpen and begin my work. I'm usually one of the first people here, but I dropped Gen off at Daycare so Sera and Spencer could go over some medical files.

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