Chapter 5 (NEW)

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The sky transformed into a mesmerizing canvas of twilight hues, casting a magical ambiance over the landscape. Seraphina descended from her perch on the cliff, her eyes widening in awe as she took in the stunning transformation of the once ordinary field into a realm of enchantment.

Paper lanterns, delicate orbs of soft light, swayed gently in the breeze, their warm glow casting an ethereal glow over the gathering. Hung at varying heights, they created a constellation of gentle illumination, guiding the participants along the path of destiny. Their soft, flickering radiance painted the surrounding trees with dancing shadows, lending an air of mystique to the night.

Amidst the lanterns, the grandeur of the occasion was further elevated by the presence of two immense round tables. Adorned with intricate floral arrangements and resplendent decorations, they beckoned with a bountiful display of delectable delicacies. Mouthwatering aromas wafted through the air, enticing the senses and filling the atmosphere with a tantalizing energy. Baked goods, pastries, and cakes, lovingly crafted by skilled pack members, formed a symphony of flavors that would tempt even the most discerning palate.

But it was the magnificent centerpiece that drew the gaze of all who beheld it—a meticulously cooked deer, a testament to the prowess of the pack's hunters. Its rich aroma mingled with the fragrant scents of the surrounding forest, tantalizing the taste buds and serving as a reminder of the untamed nature that coursed through their veins.

The arched gate, now transformed into an exquisite work of art, stood as a threshold between the known and the unknown. An intricate tapestry of white and red roses, meticulously intertwined, adorned its structure. Each petal, a delicate testament to the beauty of love and passion, exuded a heady fragrance that infused the air, adding an intoxicating allure to the night.

The females, dressed in ethereal gowns, embraced the symbolism of the evening. In their flowing white dresses, they embodied the purity of possibility, their attire a beacon of hope for the male counterparts who sought their mates. The vibrant hues of the mated females' red dresses spoke of love and commitment, their presence a testament to the bonds forged through trust and devotion.

As Seraphina descended toward the gate, her footsteps hushed against the grassy path. The surroundings, bathed in the gentle glow of lanterns and the moon's silver radiance, seemed to hold their breath, anticipation hanging in the air. It was a moment suspended in time, where destinies would collide, souls would unite, and the landscape itself hummed with the promise of love and connection.

The decorative landscape stood as a testament to the magic of the run—a night of possibility, where the boundaries of fate would be pushed and hearts would find their rightful place amidst the tapestry of life. As Seraphina stood at the gate, Gavin's voice lowered, his gaze locking with hers. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking, his words carrying a mix of earnestness and determination.

"Alpha Seraphina, I must be honest with you. During the run tonight, I intend to seek you out," Gavin confessed, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "It is customary for the male to make his intentions clear before the chase begins, and I want you to know that I wish to pursue you."

Surprise flickered in Seraphina's eyes, her mind racing to process Gavin's unexpected declaration. This was a pivotal moment, a time when males revealed their desire to claim a mate. She had known Gavin for years, respected him as a Beta, but the sudden revelation stirred conflicting emotions within her. Before she could respond, Hyland's perceptive nature kicked in, sensing the shift in the atmosphere and Seraphina's unease. He approached with purposeful strides, his eyes focused on her, his presence offering a sense of protection.

Hyland's voice cut through the air, his tone firm yet gentle. "Gavin, Seraphina and I need a moment alone. Please respect our privacy."

Gavin's brows furrowed slightly, but he nodded in deference to his Alpha's command. "Of course, Hyland. I'll be within reach if you require my presence," he acknowledged before stepping back, giving Seraphina and Hyland the space they needed.

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