Chapter seven (OLD)

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Catching feelings is a no.


They walked for what seemed an eternity to Seraphina and her weak human legs, until they finally reached their destination which was the former Haywood pack territory. Now a part of the Avalo pack, it was under serious change. The lush forest that had once surrounded the entire living area of the pack had been transformed into a scarce bunch of trees. They passed through the former forest on a cut out path, which led straight to the biggest building in the clearing. Seraphina assumed it was the pack's main gathering area since all the smaller houses were scattered around it and it held a training field as well.

The group slowly disbanded, leaving her alone in front of the building. Confused what to do next, she looked around herself and spotted a male heading straight towards her. Blonde messy hair, blue eyes, and a lean, toned body, Seraphina deemed him the typical Northener. The fact that he resembled a Northener was countered by his allegiance to Roman as Roman and his pack were originally formed in the south.

The Northener stopped a few steps away from her, keeping a respectable distance, and dipped his head , showing that she was his superior while he locked his hands behind his back. "Welcome, Luna. I am Gabriel, the Beta of this pack. Roman told me to get you familiar with your new pack, our traditions and the area, show you where you'll be spending your nights." He kept a formal tone, confidence audible in his masculine voice.

She nodded, but kept quiet as any attempt at speaking would probably end up in her tearing up and that was the last thing she wanted.

The all too familiar sound of bones cracking and clothes tearing filled her eardrums as Gabriel transformed into a creature made of horror. Torn flesh was visible near his rib cage, his eyes were hollow, sunken in and the patches of his blonde fur were stained in blood. The realization that the blood was of her pack members hit her like a bag of bricks and her eyes widened in shock as he fully took in the appearance of the lycan.

The lycan rolled his eyes and waited for her to take on her wolf form. Seraphina rushed to the biggest tree stump she could see and crouched behind it, thanking the moon goddess for her petite body shape. She took off her red dress and folded it neatly as it was her only possession and reminder of the Coriellis pack and her family. Waves of pain shot through her body as she called on the shift and her entire body was remade into another species. The lycans made shifting look so effortless that it was easy to be fooled and believe that the next time she calls on the change, the pain wouldn't be there.

She trotted out into the open, golden fur covering her now wolf body. She noted that modesty seemed to be nonexistent in Roman's pack because Gabriel let out a low chuckle and gave her a 'you'll learn' look.

They walked away from the main building, back into the outskirts of the territory. She followed him, always a few steps behind, as getting lost wasn't exactly on her goal list, so she absorbed every detail of the territory's borders. She was unsure of the destination he was leading her to until she spotted the group of wolves and a lycan checking what seemed to be a blood trail.

It was impossible to not recognize the lycan. His scent allured her, drew her in and left her wanting more. She could not comprehend how one lycan's scent could have such huge power over her. He kept his body low to the ground, stalking his prey along the blood trail, his snout never leaving the ground, his eyes fixated on something she couldn't see.

Gabriel came to a halt a good distance from the group and blocked her path with his massive body. They couldn't communicate mentally yet as she was still a packless wolf, because Roman hadn't completed the ceremony yet, but she obeyed and stopped as well. They observed Roman's movement, every muscle worked in complete synchronization as he paused for a moment and leapt forward.

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