Chapter eleven - part one (OLD)

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  Feel the fury closing in,
All resistance wearing thin.

Nobody can comprehend the feeling of an immersive nightmare, but the ones experiencing it at that very moment - falling into a trap of one's own making, day after day, is terrifying. Morphing reality to incite one's deepest fears is only one of the many self-destructive things the subconscious mind is capable of. He succumbs to the pains, to the vice that holds us all in its grip. Sleep; the universal addiction. A release from the burden of thinking his own thoughts, and the purgatory of other people. Without awareness of breathing or pulse, every night he prepares for death in this way, But with all escapes from that which plagues him, this one comes with a price. Horrible visions. A lover with sapphire eyes... And such hunger. Demons plague us in both worlds.

A young wolf stands proud, its head and tail raised high in order to make it appear bigger, more fearsome. The wolf is not alone, quite the contrary, a companion stands on either side of it. The three beasts are in the middle of a circle of creatures quite similar to them, however less frightening they seemed. The circle is alive, ever-shifting, changing, all but one thing constantly evolves - hatred the crowd radiates, their wish to rip the beasts to pieces. The young wolf cannot help but find the thought amusing - tonight he feels like a god among men.

A growl rumbles through its curled lips and exposed canines, an invite for the circle to stop holding back and break out into the offensive. Its claws itch to rake the soft skin of an underbelly, its teeth have not tasted blood in days and demand their fix.

"What are you waiting for, stop holding back!" It forces its will to enter their minds and echo the words, while it and scans the crowd, searching for the faintest sign of an attack, but none dare strike first. The young wolf has not felt pain in a long time, it craved its favorite drug, there is no way to escape this desire. The pain makes it feel something beyond numbness and rage.

Just then, a patch of ashen blonde fur shimmers in its line of sight and it loses focus as it catches a flash of teal eyes in the crowd. A feeling of the allure is foreign to it, and like a virus, it spreads until the concept of doing anything else but pursuing those teal jewels is out of the question. He can not look away, completely bewildered by the depth those eyes held.

"If you want to please me, kill them all..." A whisper fades in his consciousness and the young wolf feels its heartbeat increase in anticipation of chasing down the wolf who holds those immersive blue orbs. Its body tenses, ready for a bloodbath - it and its companions are outnumbered one to six, yet the wolf holds no fear, there isn't a shadow of a doubt whether he'll catch the female or not.

A howl echoes through the night and seems to slow down time. The wind, which once rustled the trees, has died down completely, not a single bit of grass in the forest moves in the moonlit forest. The wolves take it as a command and launch on the three beasts, claws and fangs clash in a battle for the ashen female's attention.

Minutes pass and the three beasts stand upon the bodies of their vanquished foes, blood soaking their fur, none of it theirs. Wolves are no match for their ancestors - the lycanthropes. The young wolf frantically searches for any sign of the she-wolf, but there is no trace of her left as if she has disappeared into thin air.

A sudden numbness overcomes all its senses and the young wolf feels as if all his emotions were sucked out of him. It whimpers as all desire leaves him and is replaced by nothingness - an empty void is left of his soul. Its vision begins to blur as his hearing and sense of smell vanish. Before everything goes completely black, a single thing is forever etched into its memory - two sapphire orbs, staring down at his weakened body in disdain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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