Chapter ten (OLD)

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I don't want to know
How to let you go


"Get me scrap pieces of cloth, anything that can soak up blood!" Seraphina commanded, keeping her voice calm yet stern. It was important for her to remain calm during this type of situation. "Josephine, put Gavin down on the kitchen table and go shift, I'll need your help. Get Roman here while you're at it."

Once Josephine did as asked, Seraphina could get a closed look at Gavin. Patches of fur were missing along his spine, each followed by a scar that looked like it had been caused by a whip. Horror clouded her mind instantly - she had no clue what Hyland had done to her former pack members. While she examined the deep wound on his thigh, Gavin whined and inched his head closer to her, his tail tucked between his legs, showing a sign of submission.

While Seraphina searched for cloth, Roman came down the stairs and immediately she felt more confident in her abilities as a healer. The mate bond had its perks.

"Here, hold this down on his leg and apply pressure, that should stop the bleeding." She handed Roman a t-shirt she had found thrown in a corner of the kitchen. "His systems should stop the bleeding on their own in a little while, but we can't let him lose more blood. Josephine, send out more wolves to guard the border with Hyland. No one else leaves this camp unless I allow it, understand?" Her words resulted in a nod from Josephine and the lead fighter dashed out the door to carry out the Luna's orders.

While searching for morphine or at least normal painkillers, Seraphina caught a glimpse of Roman in the corner of her eye and their eyes met. She felt supportive feelings flow into her through the mate bond and she thanked Roman by giving him a small smile. She tore open one of the cabinets and finally, she hit the jackpot - there was the medication.

Medicine was hard go obtain in their world, only one pack in the far East made herb and chemical substances and the eastern Alpha kept all of it, so she was surprised when she saw that the cabinet held a vast variety of antibiotics pharmaceutical drugs. She mentally noted to ask Roman how he had gathered them.

"Leave us." She spoke as soon as she saw Gavin's fur retract and skin start to show through. Her tone accepted no questions. It was a command only one person could choose to disobey and that person did not want to anger his Luna.

When they were alone in the building and Gavin had fully shifted, she took off the blood soaked t-shirt and threw it in the garbage bin while simultaneously handing Gavin a warm-looking jacket and shorts.

"Gavin, what happened?" She asked as she touched the horizontal scars that formed lines on his back. He flinched at her touch, but soon straightened his back again and took a deep breath after getting dressed.

"He's destroying us, Sera. I thought he was a saviour, but I'm lucky to have been found by the female lycan. He sent all of our unmated females to his main territory to strengthen his own pack and killed the young males. The elders were slain as soon as you left, he only left the mated couples and their children in the territory. More than half of our pack is gone." With each new fact, Seraphina felt something die inside of her. She truly believed that Hyland was going to protect her pack while she was absent.

Her eyes were wide and full of horror; her stomach in knots, but she had to calm down. Composing herself was one of the hardest tasks she faced, but she managed to push down the immediate instinct to kill Hyland and let out a long breath as she drew positivity from the bond.

"What can I do?" She asked, her voice silent and holding no emotion.

"The only way to end this is to kill Hyland." He stated.

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