Chapter nine (OLD)

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The burning in her legs intensified with each stride. Going for a run as a human wasn't her wisest decision, but she didn't want to destroy the clothes she was given. The work her muscles were doing took her mind off the series of unfortunate events that made her life the way it is now, though she knew it was only temporary. Soon enough she would have to go back to being her miserable self, but when she reached the edge of the territory, she stopped. Running away from Roman wasn't an option - he'd tear the world apart to find her. 

Something massive was approaching her from behind. She froze in place as warmth filled her and everything seemed alright in her world again - only one person could make her feel this way. A cool nose nudged right upper arm, leaving a wet mark and making her turn round to meet the golden eyes that awaited to meet hers.

The cool northern breeze ruffled his grey fur as they gazed into each other's eyes. Quite a few moments passed until her fear was triumphed by her curiosity and she reached her hand out but halted inches away from his head, hesitant. She debated whether he'd bite her hand off if she tried to pet him and she got her answer when his giant lycan moved forward and pressed his forehead against her palm. A sigh escaped her lips as she broke their eye contact and looked down while scratching the spot behind his ear.

"I don't know if I can be your Luna, Roman. I'm a stranger to this pack, a foreign little werewolf that their Alpha brought back. I can't fight, I can't defend myself, I wasn't made for this. I was raised to be a healer, not to lead." She wanted him to think of her as a vulnerable, defenseless female. She did her best to think of Lucas and his death, so Roman would feel her sadness and despair. "I can't be the Luna you want me to be..."

Seraphina felt fur retract and in moments, what once was a wolf's head, now held Roman's features. He took her hand that was now on his neck and intertwined her fingers with his own.

"The moon must have thought you can, otherwise she wouldn't have made you mine." His voice was calming. He was now kneeling on one knee in front of her, pressing his forehead to hers.

"How do you know I am the one meant for you? I still have no idea, even though it is said that werewolves can also feel a connection to their true mate." She tried to turn her head away from him and evade eye contact, but he cupped her chin and made her face him again. "I keep telling myself that we are meant to be, but the truth is-"

"Do you feel a pull to me? Does my presence calm you, can you feel my emotions and feelings?" He cut her off and his questions resulted in a nod. "That's the mate bond. I can't control myself when you are gone, I need you by my side. I'm constantly thinking about you, my only desire is to make you happy." He caressed her cheek as he pulled away.

Her heart was beating furiously, conflicting emotions raged inside of her. Foreign love and warmth caused by this lycan battled the familiar hatred. "If your only wish is to make me happy, then why didn't you kill Hyland on the spot, as soon as he claimed my pack for himself? Why are you here, why are you not marching to take back the family that you and Hyland took from me? That would make me happy." The grief for her family overpowered all emotions as tears started to collect in her eyes. This was not an act anymore, not a scheme, the pain she felt was genuine.

Roman was left speechless. The only thing he could do was hold Seraphina and caress her back as her head hung on his shoulder and she let her tears flow. He never truly understood the consequences of his actions until his own mate crumbled in his arms.

Time passed, with each passing moment Seraphina's breathing became steadier, her heartbeat slowed down to a reasonable pace where she didn't feel like it was going to jump out of her chest. It was all thanks to the male holding her and the bond they shared, which forced her hatred out, leaving only warmth in her chest. The bond was like a parasite to her, eating away any negative emotions associated to Roman, absorbing the only thing she could hold on to, the only thing she knew was real and not some illusion caused by the mate bond. 

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