Chapter two (OLD)

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A.N. well this took long to type :D sorry for the delay since I got a new pc I lost the plot for the story. So bear with me as I try to figure out the characters' fates.

Roman. Roman Avalo was standing by the Coriellis pack's front gate and Seraphina knew the only way to survive was to hope for his mercy - something Roman was not known for. She did her best to hide her fear, but nothing could mask the sound of her heart's rapid beating. Screw Lycans and their heightened hearing, Seraphina thought.

As Roman walked towards her, the valley slowly cleared out, everyone but Seraphina chickened out of there. Nobody wanted to be in the presence of a Lycan. Roman himself radiated power and confidence, just looking at him let anyone know not to mess with him - something Seraphina had always lacked as a Luna.

"Hey there, uh, friendly neighbor?" Roman spoke, playful sparks dancing in his eyes and a smile was on his face. He figured that leaving on good terms with the Luna meant living near her pack would be easier and the fact that she was quite pleasant to look at was a bonus.

"Why are you here, um, neighbor-who-just-killed-an-entire-pack, how's it going?" The little Luna responded and crossed her arms over her chest, taking a defensive stance which Roman found amusing - she was no match for him.

"I thought it'd be rude not to say hi. What can I say, my mother raised a gentleman," Roman ran his fingers through his hair and lifted his imaginary top hat. "It's nice to meet you, miss. I take it I can stop by for a cup of tea anytime, am I correct?"

Seraphina thought her mind was playing tricks on her when she spotted his eyes shifting colors from gold to black, and then back to gold again for a brief moment.

"Sure, you're welcome here anytime," she responded, stretching every word out in a sarcastic tone, forcing out a sweet smile. As Seraphina turned around and started walking away from the lycan, she felt a warm hand creep around her waist, gently pulling her back, closer to a warm and muscular body.

"I like your attitude, Miss. We'll see each other sooner than you think, don't miss me too much." A deep voice whispered in her ear as Roman's hand lingered around her waist for a little. Finally, she heard him walk away and let out a sigh of relief. They survived. For how long is the question.


"What on earth happened, where is she, how did you let him get in here?" Lucas kept asking questions frantically, his eyes darting from one direction to another in a desperate search for his sister. Even though he would never admit it, he was lost without her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, no one in this pack can really do anything to him. Besides, I don't think he'd hurt me. He said something about liking my attitude," the corners of Sera's lips curled as she walked into her house, though they quickly returned when she saw the state her brother was in. Alpha Lucas looked as if he just had a panic attack. Deep dark circles under the eyes, small pupils and red eyes gave away that he was not in a good mood. As if he's ever in a good mood these days, Sera thought.

"What did he tell you? Did he mention anything that could tell us what his next move is?" Seraphina felt as if she was being interrogated as Lucas threw one question after another.

"He joked around for a little bit, I told him he was welcome here anytime," she lightly chuckled at the thought of them having tea together.

But her brother looked at her as if she was demented.

"Um, Sera, are you alright?" Gavin pressed his palm to her forehead. "Doesn't seem like she's sick. But that removes the only logical explanation why the hell she would invite a murderous lycan to "hang out" anytime?" Gavin yelled, and the two guys exchanged worried glances.

"Stop talking about me in the third person as if I'm not here!"

Lucas was deep in thought and while the Beta and Luna argued whether she had doomed the pack or not, Lucas snuck out of his cabin, leaving the two behind. Usually, his decisions were calculated, logical, though once he fully became alpha and was able to lead without the elders' help, something changed. The change caused him to make rather spontaneous choices.

Like choosing his mate.

Thinking of a pack like a body, the Alpha was the head, though he could not function correctly without the heart - the Luna. If the pair weren't soulmates, something would feel missing for the pack. The Luna cares, she is adored, she softens the Alpha and is a motherly figure to the whole pack. Sera and Lucas had been doing her best to fill their roles ever since the responsibilities were handed to them. Though they were more than fit to fulfill their roles individually, they lacked a bond as a pair. The two leaders were supposed to complete each other and that's what soulmates were. Missing pieces of another soul.

"I'd be so damn lucky to ever have someone like that in my life," Lucas whispered to himself as he walked over to a plain grass field which held the training exercises for young warriors.

The shifting and breaking of his bones began, each one was broken and fixed again in a matter of seconds as fur sprouted from Lucas's skin. His canines were enlarged and his once soft hands now were paws with nails as sharp as a knife. The transformation was a painful thing, though many learn to ignore and accept the pain.

Now that he was in his wolf form, communication with most of his pack was much easier since they used a form of telepathy instead of growling and body language like normal wolves would.

Gavin, quit arguing with Sera and get every single person that cannot fight over here. Now.

Time passed and the sun slowly disappeared into the horizon as the once empty field was filling up with people who either watched Lucas or chatted with confused expressions on their faces. Why would the Alpha summon them here? They were not able to fight.

As all of you probably know, Alpha Roman and his pack overtook the Haywood pack just tonight. A loud voice spoke in their minds. As much as it breaks me to do this, you all must leave our pack, at least until the threat is taken care of. My decision is final and unquestionable.

The confusion on their faces was replaced by pure shock. He was going to send away 20 people who belonged to his pack, his family. Some understood it was for their safety, some didn't. If Roman's intentions were to destroy their pack, nothing could stand in his way, everyone knew that, yet most of them had hope. Hope that their family would survive.

I will summon you all back as soon as possible, but for now, I've made arrangements with one of the packs in the southern territories. You will be staying there.

Lucas deeply inhaled and exhaled. The easy part was over. Now he needed to convince his sister to leave, which may prove to be an impossible task.

Running as a wolf was undeniably faster and Lucas reached his cabin in no time. His senses confirmed that Seraphina was still in there. As he came closer and closer to the cabin, a sharp smell hit him and the taste of metal filled his jaws. Though there was one particular scent that overwhelmed the strong smell of blood.

A high-pitched scream followed quickly after a growl which alerted everyone who the uninvited guest was.

Good luck running your pack now, Alpha. My regards to your lovely sister, it's such a shame it came to this, really. A low voice laughed in Lucas's mind followed by a victorious howl.

I suck at cliffhangers. Send help pls.

On a more serious note, would you guys prefer fast and short updates or updates that are longer but take a little more time to write? c:

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