Chapter eight (OLD)

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Seraphina was woken up by rays of sunshine seeping through the window and a light snoring sound. She turned her head to the right and saw that the sound was coming from a male laying beside her. He had his arms around her, but as she yawned and tried to wiggle out of them, his grip only tightened.

"You didn't seem so eager to get away from me yesterday, Seraphina." He spoke, his voice deeper than usual, eyes still closed, but a smirk was now playing on his lips.

It was true, she couldn't resist him. Whether she wanted it or not, the bond made sure she was attracted to him physically so much, that it hurt to be away from him for too long.

"I don't have a choice, I didn't have a choice. I didn't choose you as my mate, you forced your mark upon me and now I'm stuck with you." She tried to push off one of his arms he had wrapped around her stomach, but she didn't find success - she was no match for a lycan.

She gasped as he brushed her hair aside and she felt a pair of soft lips graze the delicate spot behind her ear and travel down her neck, lower to where his mark was. He was teasing her, playing tricks on her mind and he knew they were working when Seraphina turned her head to the left, exposing more of her neck to him. He hadn't even kissed her and she was already melting.

"Stuck with me?" He pressed his lips against her mark and his tongue came out through his lips, her skin now his playground. "Tell me what you want, Sera, and it will be yours. All you need to do is ask for it." Through the blur that now was her mind, she noticed that she wasn't the only one affected by this bond from the huskiness of his voice.

"Tell me what you did with that female in the forest." Immediately his tongue halted and he retreated, pulling his head away from Seraphina's neck.

"If you think I need another female now that I have you, you are mistaken. I was only teaching her a lesson, that is all. She seemed to think that she was supposed to be my Luna." He explained while gazing into Seraphina's eyes. He was laying on his side, brushing the hair on her scalp with his fingers. Her head was now turned to him and she couldn't help but think that if things had been different, this was all she wanted in life. If she knew that he was truly the one meant for her, maybe they could be happy.

She took the hand wrapped around her back and intertwined her fingers with his. "Don't you have better things to do instead of keeping me in bed all day?"

"If I could, I would, believe me. I should just take you far away, away from packs and other wolves, back to my homeland." He caressed her palm with his thumb while his other hand was playing with her hair now.

"Well then let's get moving Mr. Alpha. We have a pack to run." Now that his hand was no longer holding her down, she quickly sat up and jumped out of the bed. She spotted a new pile of clothes on the same counter Roman left theirs last night. A new black tank top and denim shorts was waiting for her, along with black socks and sneakers.

"Am I supposed to wear this?" She asked in disbelief. "I'm going to freeze to death. Can I at least get a proper jacket or something?" Picking up the clothes, she turned back to Roman, awaiting for an answer.

"You'll have to ask Josephine, I am not in charge of clothing distribution, though I'm sure we have bought something warm from the eastern packs." He was now resting his back against the wall with his hands behind his head, the white bed sheets were covering only half of his stomach, exposing his upper abs.

Seraphina nodded as she turned away from Roman so he wouldn't see her naked and put on the shorts, changed from her white t-shirt to the tank top and finally put on the sneakers. After putting her locks up in a ponytail she made her way down the stairs where Josephine was eating a stack of pancakes.

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