chapter three-

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Wilbur was getting suspicious, and he felt like everyone else was as well. Techno was canceling more and more missions.

Most of them for reasons that don't make sense.

"We have another project to finish."

"There's supposed to be bad weather, better to wait."

"I promised Niki I would go with her to get her hair done."

Wilbur was getting sick of it, especially since every single thing his dad has been avoiding were major disasters.

The hero raid, the bombing, when the dickhead captured two of their high-ranking officials. 

The heroes are on their asses. They haven't caught a break in two weeks!

"What is up with you?" Wilbur mumbled, storming into his room without knocking.

"There's this thing called knocking, Wilbur. And what do you want?" Techno grunted, sitting up from his desk, and twirling around an ornamental knife in his hands.

"What do I want?" He whined "I want to know why the hell you've been bailing on missions! you keep coming up with stupid excuses!" He huffs, "you know something and you're not telling us. You know how fucking suspicious that is?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, kid. Have you taken your meds today?" Techno replied blankly, his tail was wagging lazily in the air. Calm, casual, Wilbur noted.

"You've been skipping out on important things, meetings, drop offs- only for us to find out they were blown?!" Wilbur states with narrowed eyes. "That's suspicious as hell."

Techno groans in annoyance, his tail slashing a bit harder.

"Kid, look- the situation is complicated right now. I would tell you if I could, but you have to trust me." Techno grumbled, standing up, and staring at his son.

"Trust you? Of course I trust you- it's everyone else I'm worried about!" Wilbur sighed, crossing his arms. "Can you at least promise me something? If it's something bad, or you get in over your head…tell me? Please, dad?"

Techno rolled his eyes, amused. He ignored the fact his heart skipped a beat at the idea of Wilbur legitimately calling him dad.

'He only ever does that when he wants something.' Techno thought fondly, a smirk coming across his face.

"First of all, I'm not the one who jumps the gun on things like that, that's you. Second, Will, I swear to you if I feel it needs to be said, I'll tell you. But as of now, that's not an option," Techno promised, tossing his knife in the air once more, before catching it by the hilt before putting it away.

"But yes, I do have access to some information."

Wilbur grumbled in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at his dad. Techno just shrugged. With a defeated sigh Wilbur leaves.

He scurried to his own room.

If Techno wouldn't tell him what's going on, well, he has other options.


Wilbur let out a hum as he put his pen down. folding the letter he pulled out an envelope, sealing it with some decorative gold wax.

He walks over to his window, a firm grip on the letter as he pulls it open. Shivering as cold air filters into the otherwise warm room.

He suddenly whistles, it is sharp and loud- and followed by a quiet caw.

A dark raven crow flies onto his window seal, staring up at the man with a tilted head.

"I need you to fly this to Jester, make sure no one else reads it." He orders tipping the letter to the crow's foot with a ribbon.

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