Chapter 21-

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The last couple of days had been pretty hectic, even for their standards. When they had first heard the news, they'd honestly thought it was an elaborate joke Tommy decided to play.

It was not, unfortunately. The knowledge that Wilbur had basically kidnapped Tommy out of his hospital bed had Tubbo and Ranboo on their toes at all times.

Until they got a text in the groupchat with the three of them.

Big Man Tommy: What up fuckers


Boob boy: Tommy, are you okay?? The hospital called us asking if we'd seen you.

Big Man Tommy: Nah nah I asked Wilbur to bust me out cuz they wouldn't let me discharge myself all good in the hood

Bee: OH

Big Man Tommy: I’m laying low w Wilbur and them for a little

Boob boy: Wait what about that one guy?

Big Man Tommy: You mean Techno?? Yeah he ended up telling Wilbur himself about what happened he got mega pissed at him

Boob boy: So everythings good? Just wanted?

Big Man Tommy: Yeah just wanted
Big Man Tommy: were coming by my apartment to get me some clothes if you want I can give you Wils address so you can come over

Bee: Wouldn't we be intruding???

Big Man Tommy: Ehhhh Wilbur wouldn't care and anything to make Technoblade even mildly uncomfortable

Boob boy: Entirely fair, I will make sure to stare at him the whole time

Bee: I will also do this

Big Man Tommy: Perfect
Big Man Tommy: Were pulling up if you wanna meet me in my apartment

Ranboo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, happy to have the tension leave his shoulders. They got up and headed into the hallway, right next to their own apartment and opened Tommys door, which was unlocked.

“He should really start locking that.” Tubbo chimed in as he dashed to the kitchen to snatch the wheat thins.

Tubbo always thinks he's stealing them from the blonde, but Ranboo knows Tommy buys them specifically for tubbo to eat.

“It's Tommy.” Ranboo chuckled, sending a quick text to Tommy that his door was unlocked just as Tommy busted down the door.

“Finally home!” He exclaimed loudly, throwing his hands in the air in dramatic victory.

“Hey boss man.” Tubbo greeted, hopping up to sit on the counter.

“‘Ow do, my good beeboy?” Tommy saluted dramatically, turning to Ranboo, “boob.”

Ranboo rolled his eyes heavily with a snort.

“lovely, chaos already, we just got here.” Wilbur sighed, locking the door behind him.

“You sound a bit like Philza, innit?” Tommy snorted as Wilbur's face turned appalled.

“Are you calling me old?!” Wilbur gasped, scandalized.

“I am, bitch! What are you going to do about it?” Tommy sassed, hands on his hips.

“Send my bee swarm after you.” Tubbo stated through a mouthful of crackers.

“Have you babysit our child.” Ranboo chimed in mournfully.

“Oh, that's a good one. You’re legally obligated to babysit our son if we ever want alone time.” Tubbo said seriously with a nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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