chapter six-

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"Daaaad! I want my patrol routes changed and 6 security cameras!" Wilbur demanded as soon as he walked into the kitchen, at 8 am, his arms crossed with a pout.

"What for, mate?" Phil asked, he was still sipping his coffee, his wings trying to keep as much warmth as they could around him.

"The security cameras are for a non Syndicate friend and I want my patrol routes changed to Prime street instead of the Northern docks." Wilbur crossed his arms.

"Who's gonna look after all the shipments of blue, then?" Techno chimed in, his hair pulled back in a loose braid. He was also nursing a cup of coffee.

"You!" Wilbur pouted.

"Uh-huh, kid. What's this come from?" Techno hummed, sipping his coffee, his tail wagging in amusement.

"Tommy was attacked a few days ago!" Wilbur blurted.

Techno immediately spat out half of his coffee onto the table, hacking and coughing while Phil rushed over to pat his back, making sure he wasn't choking, his tail frozen in the air.

"Wh-at?" Techno asked, clearing his throat.

"Who's Tommy, mate?" Phil asked, Wilbur was still seething.

"He's my friend! He won't tell me who attacked him but when I get my hands on the bastard I'm gonna make him walk off the empire state building." Wilbur spat, stomping his foot.

"Calm down, there, kiddo." Techno laughed awkwardly, standing up and beginning to clean up his mess.

"He's innocent, dad- come on! You've met him! He talks about your blind ass and how you order a cortado because that's the only thing you know on the menu!" Wilbur scoffed.

Techno paused for a moment before snorting.

"Really now?" Techno mumbled as he wiped down the table.

"Yes! Just take the northern docks for me for a few days? Pleeeeeease, dad?" Wilbur pouted, hanging off of his father while Phil scoffed.

"Fine, you little shit." Techno shook his head.

"You know he only calls you that when he wants something." Phil snickered, his wings ruffling in amusement.

"I know, I know. He only calls you 'Phil' because it pisses you off." Techno shot back, Phil huffed.

"Wha- I- I do not!" Wilbur pouted.

"Am I wrong?" Techno challenged.

Wilbur went silent.

"Thought so." Techno chuckled. "I'll take the Northern docks for two weeks, make sure the kid's okay." Techno said, tossing the rag in the laundry and sitting down again.

"Extra security cameras are in the storage building, if you can find them in there." Phil chimed.

"Yes! You're both the best!" Wilbur smiled, giving Phil a tight hug, then Techno, who ruffled his hair in return before sprinting out of the house.

"Little shit didn't even eat." Phil snorted. Techno chuckled along.

Silently, he hoped Tommy knew to keep his mouth shut.


Looking through his dad's storage building was easier said than done.

He knew Phil was a bit of a hoarder, and that Techno didn't exactly stop him, but this was ridiculous.

"Jeez, Will. The amount of shit in here it's gonna be a hot minute before we find them. I don't mind dropping some of the cafe's money for some good cameras." Tommy said from beside him.

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