Chapter two

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Happy birthday Shiya

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Happy birthday Shiya.

I gazed at the pictures before me, my heart heavy with a mixture of sadness and nostalgia. Among the still images, a video began to play, capturing a precious moment from a past birthday celebration. In the video, she was gleefully playing in the snow, her laughter filling the air as we shared a delightful conversation. I recalled the excitement she had felt, never having experienced the joy of playing in seasonal snow before.

As I watched the video, memories flooded back, reminding me of the bond we shared and the happiness we had once known together. It was a bittersweet reminder of the cherished moments we had created, and a pang of longing stirred within me for those carefree times.

Nearly a year had passed since I last saw her, and two years since I held her close, engaged in heartfelt conversations, and cherished the intimate moments we shared. The memory of her presence, the softness of her touch, and the scent of bergamot orange that surrounded her lingered in my mind.

I can't never forget her or anything related to her.

For the past two years, I've relied on her brother and her best friend to keep me updated on her life. It turns out she has embarked on a successful career as a professional songwriter and now holds the position of Chairman and Managing Director at The S Family Entertainment, one of her father's companies.

Through her talent and connections, she has had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned artists, gaining valuable experience in the industry. While her accomplishments may not be extensive, I found myself drawn to the depth of her lyrics and the passion she pours into her work.

She has carved out her own path and secured her independence, owning her own apartment near the beach and possessing an impressive collection of three cars, including her cherished red Mini Cooper. However, Siddharth, her brother, expressed concerns about her demeanor and attitude towards even the smallest matters.

He shared with me the unease among employees who feel intimidated by her, making it difficult for open communication within the company. Recognizing the need for growth in her leadership skills, they suggested therapy as a means to address these challenges.

I received information that she has gone through the dismissal of 10 therapists in just four months, which is undoubtedly concerning. It made me wonder if she still experiences her debilitating panic attacks. According to her brother, he hasn't witnessed any panic attacks from her, ever. However, I wasn't surprised by this revelation since I know that Shiya has a tendency to internalize her emotions and keep them hidden.

Given the coping mechanisms she has adopted, it's possible that her panic attacks have worsened. It's essential for her to find healthy outlets and support to manage her anxiety effectively.

Her family has been trying to support her in their own ways. Her mother, for instance, has persistently encouraged her to try different therapists until she finds one she feels comfortable with.

Her father has been successful in keeping her engaged with her responsibilities within the company, which can be a positive distraction for her. Being actively involved in her work can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, helping her focus on something other than her inner struggles.

As for her brother, he has become her closest confidant and best friend. He understands her needs and knows how to support her in the right way, much like her friend Tani.

When Shiya's family recognized that therapy might take time to show significant results, Siddharth and Tani decided to introduce a furry companion into her life. It's widely known that pets can have a positive impact on mental health, including helping to alleviate symptoms of depression. They brought her a 10-week-old golden retriever puppy, whom she named Shiloh.

The name Shiloh carries the meaning of tranquility and being free from disturbance, reflecting the hope that the presence of the puppy would bring a sense of calm and peace to Shiya's life. Golden retrievers are renowned for their temperament, known to be kind, gentle, confident, and intelligent.

It seemed like they both carefully chose the breed for her, like they wanted the perfect one to help her.

As today is Shiya's birthday, I took the initiative to request Tanishka to send a special bouquet of Carnation flowers along with a single Snowdrop flower.

Carnations because, according to Korean birth flowers Carnations is meant for the January born. And the different types of Carnations describe exactly what I feel right now—for her.

I love and admire her from the bottom of my heart, and I miss her pure heart and kindness.

Though she took a capricious decision to reject me, now our future only lives on luck and hope.

It's ironic how the flowers describe her—us and are related to Korean traditions.

Snowdrop which means hope is her birth date's significant. According to Korean believes, birth dates and names can influence once's destiny and her's is hope. And one single Snowdrop describes how heavy the word hope is, and how I'm living on that single hope.

Such a small word but weighted heavy in one's life.

Those million little reasons took her away from me.

But I hope that a million tiny things would bring her back to me.

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