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Hello beautiful people,

First of all, thank you so much for all the extended love to A Million Little Things. 

My heart has been racing at an alarming pace as I observe the growing number of readers adding this book to their reading lists, actively voting on the published chapters, and witnessing the very first comment ever made on this story.

 Receiving notifications all day from Wattpad and Instagram feels incredibly special. The support hitting differently after years of writing to no readers. 

Even my batch mates were asking for the reason of my constant smile today. (they don't know that I write on Wattpad.) 

You guys really made my day!


Just to clarify, A Million Little Things is a SEQUAL to A Million Little Reasons. Keeping it out there for readers to be aware of the connection between the two works.

I know Atharva looks like a very VERY fine man, but Kim Dalhyun is not any less. 

Choosing between the two characters might just leave you questioning your preferences. 

Dive into A Million Little Reasons to explore and decide for yourself!


Subhi Saoirse

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