Important Announcements

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Hello beautiful people! 

I've few exciting announcements to share but since my message board isn't working for some reason, I will be informing you about it here! 

Number one: Final covers for A Million Little Series is now up. 

The covers have been designed by me, though I am not sure about the fonts (being a graphic designer, it's said to be a typical trait to not be sure about about fonts) 

If you guys have any suggestions please drop in! 

Number two : This is regarding the third book of Million Little Series. 

I've finally come up with its storyline, the characters had been confirmed long back now finally I have started writing it.

It's of course, Tanishka's and Siddarth's book!

One is as shining as a sunflower, other is as grumpy as an old grandpa 😉

It's the most hateful relationship towards his sister's kiddy best friend, to be secretly in love with her since his teen years, it becomes more intolerable to keep his hands to himself as he watches her turn into a beautiful woman.

It's the most stressful life to deal with studies, her best freind's broken heart and her brother visiting them again and again to mend things, and it doesn't help that he is the sexiest man alive on this planet.

Coming soon...

The Million Little Secrets. 

Number three: lately I have been trying to work on my Instagram profile, and it doesn't reflect in the way I want. there are many reels out there which suggest ways to grow on Instagram, that hasn't been helpful for me. 

So now I am asking you guys for help, what would you suggest to do, to grow on Instagram. 

At first the only goal was to become more friendly with you guys, but hasn't been successful considering how I have taken so many breaks. 

Number Four: Most important one!

What do you think about the new dedication of the book? 


Subhi Saoirse

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