Chapter five

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"XO labels recently made an exciting announcement, revealing that Moon's next destination for travel would be India

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"XO labels recently made an exciting announcement, revealing that Moon's next destination for travel would be India. While the label did not provide specific details regarding his plans, it has sparked speculation among fans about the possibility of Moon choosing India to meet his close friend, Shiya Saathvik.

Given the lack of recent updates from the members and Shiya Saathvik about their friendship status, fans are left wondering if they are still in touch. However, with Moon's upcoming visit to India scheduled from January till March, Indian XO's are now pondering if there might be a special reason behind his decision to travel to the country. The anticipation among fans continues to grow as they eagerly await further details and potential surprises from Moon's visit to India."

Frustration surged through me as my palm collided with the steering wheel, releasing a burst of colorful expletives. It had already been a challenging day, starting with the unpleasant encounter at the office. I couldn't shake off the memory of Siddharth, who had unexpectedly dropped to his knees, pleading to visit the new therapist he had discovered.

As I stepped into my office, Siddharth was already on the offensive, seemingly determined to force me out with the address of my new therapist in hand. However, I wasn't about to go down without a fight. I raised my voice, expressing my frustration at everyone's incessant attempts to control and dictate my life. It was exasperating.

Yet, in an unexpected turn of events, my brother resorted to sinking down on his knees, pleading with me to give this new therapist a chance. Despite my initial resistance, the actions of my brother softened my resolve, and I reluctantly agreed.

Now, as I drove to my appointment with the new therapist, I received a notification from Ethan, adding another layer of disruption to my already tumultuous day.

Over the course of two to three years, Kim Dalhyun embarked on a journey across the globe, occasionally accompanied by Jae and at times venturing out alone. Despite my desire to distance myself from him, I found myself keeping tabs on his whereabouts. The need to know every detail about his life consumed me as I sought reassurance that he was doing well.

As I make a right turn and catch sight of the banner for the topmost hospital in Mumbai, I can't help but feel a sense of intrigue and admiration. Up until now, I had been working with therapists affiliated with the S Family Foundation Hospital or those recommended by my mother's acquaintances.

As I park my car and step out, I become aware of a group of people whose gazes fixate on me. Feeling slightly self-conscious, I quickly slide my oversized sunglasses over my eyes and keep walking. In hindsight, perhaps it would have been more comfortable if I had opted for more casual attire and arrived in a vehicle that didn't scream luxury. However, I remind myself that I'm driving straight from the office, providing some justification for my appearance.

I approach the reception desk and inquire about the location of the Psychiatric department. The receptionist gazes at me momentarily, then proceeds to provide me with a somewhat haphazard explanation of how to get there.

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