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i was listening to murder by mako; decided to take some of the lyrics literally and made it into an imagine :").

violence, descriptions of blood, lil smut (15+), angst


you grunted, standing straight as you stretched your back, cracking your fingers; bending down as you grabbed onto the old man's arms, dragging his body into the kitchen. the person gasped, mouth hanging open for air, rolling around in pain. the old man suffered under your fingertips, until his last breath. you bended down to his level, raising your arm as you clutched your weapon; diving it straight into his chest and stomach area, over and over again. until, he was no longer moving.

blood dripped from the blade you wielded in your hand, using your sleeve to wipe off excess blood from your face area. your lips curled into a smile, as you twirled the blade between your fingers. you brought your fingers towards your lips, licking off the leftover blood.

you looked down upon the person that laid lifeless on the ground, grabbing a fistful of the old man's hair, as you raised your arm in the air—smashing the old man's face into bits with the hammer in your hand. you squinted as blood splattered over your eyes, using your sleeve to wipe your eye area.

footsteps filled the doorway as you released your grip on the hammer. "..what have you done, again? another person?" sounding frantic yet he managed to stabilize his voice. he cleared his throat, swallowing as he took another step further into the crime scene.

you turned your head towards the owner of the voice, a smile creeps onto your face. stepping over the person, as you walked towards him; extending your arms. you pulled him into your embrace. "i was waiting for you," you whispered into his ear, nibbling down on his earlobe. "i have something to tell you." you panted, kissing the side of his jaw as you fingers trailed down his shirt.

he pulled your hands from his body, pushing you backwards by grabbing your shoulders. "you can't kill innocent people like that. i can't cover for you, anymore!" he said, shaking you by your shoulders. "i want to protect you. i don't want them to take you. i want to be with your forever." he said, caressing your cheek; placing a strand of hair behind your ear. "but.. i love it. the thrill of seeing that pain and suffering in my victims eyes." you giggled, bringing your fingers to your lips as you gazed into the air.

his eyes met hers; "yes, just like that." she turned to him, her hands creeping up his chest. she wrapped her hand around his neck, pushing him back into the nearest wall. "i love it when you look at me like that. it turns me on." you panted, your faces inches apart from each other. he looked into your eyes, eyes filled with so much worry you didn't understand—nor did you care to understand.

you closed the distance between you and him. your lips entangled with his, your fingers leave his neck to grab onto his hair. doki gulped, knowing he needed to end this; but slowly he melted into her embrace. his tongue overlapping with hers, bodies filled with lust. wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer as if he never wanted to let go. he grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head backwards; his lips grazing the side of her neck, leaving bright red hickeys. he kisses her jawline before reconnecting their lips once more.

his eyes opened, pulling away from her as she glared at him. "no, no. you're doing it again. you're using my affection for you, against me. i can't fall any deeper into this with you." he rubbed his forehead, taking a deep breathe before looking into your eyes. "i'm calling the police." he glared into your direction. "you need to pay for your crime." he swallowed, pulling out his phone from his inner pockets.

he placed the phone to his ear as the 911 operator answers the line. his lips parted to speak, though no words ever came out. he dropped his phone, clutching his stomach as he dropped to his knees. his expression morphed into confusion, as he held the side of his stomach—applying pressure to the wound. he grunted in pain, breathing shakily as he coughed up blood.

your fingers traced his jawline, lifting his chin with your finger. you traced his lips, wiping the blood off his lips—bringing your finger to your lips, licking the blood off your finger. "too bad, i wanted you to stay by my side a little longer." you sighed, feigning sadness while shrugging your shoulders.

"it was fun while it lasted."

she grabbed his shoulder, pulling her arm backwards as she plunges the knife into his gut. his hand reaches and grabs onto her wrist. he gritted his teeth, screaming in pain as your wrist snapped, twisting the blade; plunging the knife in and out of his gut, over and over.

doki dropped onto the ground, his hand falling to his side. a tear falls from his eyes, rolling down his cheek as he closed his eyes, painfully. deep breathing, inhaling his last breath; as darkness washes over him.

you bended down, taking a seat beside his lifeless body. you tilted your head, tracing your finger down his jawline. you hummed, leaning forward; placing a kiss on his lips.

"goodbye, my love."

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