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i'm not on my period anymore. i didn't have any other ideas to write tbh.


you stretched your legs, straightening your arms out from the covers. you yawned, arching your back slightly as you kicked your feet under the sheets. you felt a sharp pain hit underneath your stomach, which made you immediately hold your hands over your stomach, rubbing as a way to ease the pain. you felt a numbing pain in your knees which made it even harder to get the motivation to come out of bed.

sitting up, slinging your legs from under the sheets, as the hang over the bed. you pulled yourself up from bed, making your way towards the bathroom, you rubbed your eyes looking in the mirror. you turned on the faucet, splashing your face with water, wiping it dry with the towel hanging on your door. you sighed, your knees feeling like jelly, as you squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush, bringing it to your lips. your hand rested on the side of the sink as you brushed your teeth.

turning on the shower, you mixed the waters to create a little steam. you thought it'd help with the pain, although it didn't really do nothing. you reached for the shower loofah, hung around the the pipe, grabbing the soap from the cubby next to you. after a few minutes of you scrubbing yourself clean. then, adding some scented body wash, wrapping up your bath. you stepped out of the shower, wrapping your towel around your chest, water droplets dripping down your legs.

you dried your skin inside the bathroom, walking out into your room as you dried little strands of hairs. you peeked inside your closet, pulling out something comfortable to wear. you slipped on your pants followed by your shirt. you grabbed the brush off your dresser, loosing the scrunchie from your hair as it falls down your shoulders. parting the hair into two, as you brushed your hair repeatedly until it was straight.

you hunched over slightly, feeling the pain underneath your stomach. you plopped back onto the mattress, spreading the covers over your waist area, switching on the television with the remote. you skimmed through the streaming networks deciding where to watch and what to watch. you switched to hulu, starting a new series. a lively theme song plays as you turned the volume up.

you turned your head towards the door, hearing a faint knock. you stayed quiet, lowering the volume slightly. another, knock this time clearer. "yes?" you asked, loudly. the door opened, widely, revealing do-ki who stepped into the room. "you haven't showed up for breakfast." he said. "well, i'm not really hungry right now." you replied. "oh! are you busy today?" you asked, sitting up slightly. "yes, most of the day." he replied. "can you.. buy me some pads-?" you asked him, looking down as you immediately realized you've made it awkward. "no, i'll go myself-" you stated, flipping the covers off your feet. he stopped you, halfway. "i'll go get them." he offered. you nodded, slipping back into bed. "you shouldn't be moving anywhere.." he mumbled underneath his breath, leaving the room.

after a couple minutes, he comes into the room again. do-ki holds a glass of water in one hand and tylenol in the other. he places the glass of water on the nightstand, handing you two capsules of painkillers. you swallowed the pills, gulping down some water.


a few minutes after do-ki leaves the house, you realized something; snacks! you pulled out your phone, taking a small look at the time. you tapped on his contact, sending him a message. "don't forget to buy snacks too!" you typed, setting your phone down and aside after. your phone made a buzz sound, giving you a message alert; that your message has been hearted.

you turned back, towards the television focusing on this new series you've decided to binge-watch. meanwhile, do-ki surfs through the store, placing different types of snacks he could find. it was time to go towards the pads section, where he picked up a brand, you'd usually purchase. he walked around the next isle, getting different flavors of cup noodles for you to try. he walked, straight towards the cashier, pulling out a few dollars to pay the woman. he grabbed the bags, placing them in the passenger seat as he slipped into the car, getting his engine ready.

you decided to lay down on the sofa as you watched your tv show. somehow, it felt even more comfortable. you giggled at the lame jokes, leaning your chin onto the pillow. you were too immersed into the show, not noticing that he had already arrived home. "what are you watching?" he asked, leaning over the couch. "hm?" you said, breaking from your daze. "only murders in the building. my favorite musician is the lead female." you explained. "the title is pretty much self explanatory." you added.

he extended his arm, handing you the bag with your pads, looking away as you took the bags from his hand. "thank you." you thanked him, pausing the show as you walked towards your room. a couple minutes later, you appeared from your room, smelling something delicious coming from the kitchen. "what smells so delicious?" you asked. "cup noodles." he replied. "oh, do you want to... watch?" you trailed off, middle of the sentence, debating if you should've finished it or not. "sure, let's do that." he replied, smiling at you.

minutes later, do-ki carries the pot towards the table, setting the side dishes, placing the chopsticks and bowls on either side. he sits down beside you, on the left. you unpaused the episode, resuming your position. do-ki removed the lid, digging in, slurping up a few noodles. you reached forward, slurping noodles. "mhmm~" you gasped.

"so, about the show- what's happened so far is..." you said, getting ready to explain the past few episodes.

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