one time.

395 11 5

usually, i update every five days.
sometimes, i'm a day late, i WAS kinda lazy ngl.
i did conjure up something though.

TW: attempted suicide, descriptions of self harm


tears rolled down your cheeks as you walked through the almost lonely street, one or two people here and there. you hoped no one had seen your tears though, you raised your hood above your head as you sniffled. your thoughts eating you alive; 'why am i even here?' 'i'm just a disappointment.' 'just leave me alone.' 'i want to die.' 'i want to be at peace.'

you followed wherever your feet brought you to. you ended up onto the bridge of the han river, one time. you placed your hands onto the railings, taking a deep breath. you sighed, scoffing. your feelings of guilt held you back, your family. although, they were the part of the reason too. your thoughts were eating you out and so were the words of your parents.

you dropped your bag, stuffing your phone and everything in your pocket into your bag. if you manage to succeed, you wouldn't have a need for them anyways. you placed one feet onto the railing as you placed your feet over the railing, looking back every couple seconds to see if anyone's watching. you placed your arms under the railings, holding onto the bars as you leaned backwards. underneath you, was a large body of ocean—waves crashing against the bridge aggressively.

you looked at the scenery in front of you; the lit buildings, dark blue night sky, lights of the bridge, and cars that zoomed past each other. 'so this is it.' you thought. you pulled yourself forward, before pushing yourself backwards letting go of the bars. you held your arms out with a smile as you fell downwards full speed.

you spotted someone running towards the bridge, body leaning outwards against the railings. before you knew it, the water engulfed you. you closed your eyes, immediately holding your breath. you stayed still for a second before breathing in as the water fills your nostrils. you coughed, bubbles flowing out from your mouth. you brought your hand towards your neck, upwards covering your nose. as you let go of your nose, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around you. you felt yourself being pulled, reaching the surface as you opened your eyes. your hands covered your mouth as you coughed.

the pair of arms helped you, swimming away towards the shore. you rubbed your eyes with your hands, parting your wet hair. you coughed, sucking in a breath, slapping your chest. you felt a hand on your back tapping lightly. "are you okay, miss?" the person asked, leaning in to examine your state. "i-i'm okay." you shooed him away, dusting your pants. "what were you doing there?" he asked. you stayed silent, "nothing. i fell, accidentally. thank you for saving me." you said, wrapping up the conversation. you pushed yourself onto your knees, standing up. you bent down, dusting your pants once again at your knees area.

"let's go to the hospital." he says, taking ahold of your arm. you pulled your arm from his. "i don't need to go to the hospital." you spat. he sighed, "you should go. you might have a bruising, you could have a fever." he said. "i'll drive you." you looked at him, debating your choices. "o-okay." you hesitated a bit. you followed behind him, walking towards the car.

a hyundai dynasty parked on the curbside with a taxi logo plastered across the side. "so, you're a taxi driver..?" you asked, not meaning to as the question slips past your lips. "a premium taxi driver." he answered. you hummed in response, taking a seat in the back as the door pops open. you strapped on your seatbelt, hugging your legs to the seat. he placed the car into drive, taking off into the night. you watched outside the window in silence as he focused on driving. "do you have a place to stay?" he asked, breaking the silence. "i can go home." you answered.

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