
400 13 2

sorry for the kinda late update, i lost track of days/time. the title makes the chapter seem to have a whole different plot. but it's not what you think it is, trust me.


you arrived at home, later in the night. you were coming back from a date that ended with a breakup. you shoved your keys into the lock, opening the door as you closed it behind you. finally, the one place you can let out your tears.

mascara running down your face as another relationship has failed again. you wiped away your tears with your fingers, pinching your nose as your sniffled. "why can't i find any real love?" you asked, who did you ask? there was nobody around you. you turned to look at your mirror, wiping under your eyes with your finger. "what if.. i just cast a spell?" you announced. "someone for me to love." your lips curled into a smile, excited just by thinking of it.

you rummaged through your dresser drawers, pulling out a white drawstring bag. you set the bag down in your circle, quickly slipping on your slides. you dashed outside, picking a few roses from the garden. making your way into the house again, you slipped out of your slides into your bedroom slippers. you placed the roses on your dresser, after you freshly clipped the thorns. you plucked out at least six rose petals to help with your spell. you pulled out your cubby of tiny jars filled with liquid and stones. you grabbed ahold of the lavender oil jar along with the rose quartz.

you looked out of your window, looking up towards the sky. you admired the waxing crescent moon that shined brightly in the sky.

you picked up the rose petals placing them into the bag. twisting the small cap, as you added several drops of lavender oil onto the petals. you added a small piece of a cinnamon stick, along with a small piece of rose quartz. you closed the bag, pulling on the strings.

you walked towards your bed, sitting down as you crossed your legs. you rested your back against the wall, closing your eyes, as you tried to find your meditation space. you spent your moments focusing on the qualities you wanted your love interest to have. "a person with a good personality. someone who helps people, a kind person." you thought about the qualities you wanted them to have.

upon figuring out what you wanted, you began to chant the following words:

"on this day of venus
bring to me a love
who'll see in me
and i in them
what we're each thinking of"

you chanted, picking up the bag as you placed it underneath your pillow. you thought hopefully, flopping back onto the bed as you pulled the covers over you. you placed your hand underneath your head, staring into the space in front of you as your eyes closed slowly, drifting into sleep.


you opened your eyes, shutting them once more as the sunlight hits your face. you covered your face with your arms as you laid there lazily. you sighed, followed by a yawn as you twisted, turning and sitting yourself up. you ran your fingers through your messy hair, heading towards the bathroom. you twisted, turning the faucet as you bent down, splashing water onto your face. you turned, grabbing the towel that hanged off the door. you wiped your face until it was dry enough. you grabbed your toothbrush, squeezing out some toothpaste onto the brush.

you opened the cabinet after drying your mouth. you took your morning cream and applied it to your face and under your eyes, to moisturize.

leaving the bathroom, you walked into the kitchen, passing by the dining area. you stopped in your tracks, taking a few steps back until your reached the dining area. you felt some kind of supernatural energy. you walked closer, towards the figure. "hello?" it wasn't a negative energy. "who are you? did you choose the wrong apartment?" you asked, scratching your arms. you didn't know why this stranger was here, but they weren't supposed to be here.

you watched him, his eyes were closed as he leaned back into the chair, eyebrows furrowed. "who are you?" you raised your voice a little louder. "i sense supernatural energy from him." you muttered, quietly. his eyes opened slowly, he turned his head towards you. "are you a ghost?" you asked, crossing your arms, raising a brow. "are you a soldier..?" you asked, looking at his uniform. "you." he starts. "you're the woman in my dream." he spoke, walking towards you. "my, my. what a beautiful woman you are." he says, placing a strand of hair behind your ear. "so you are the woman i was sent here to love?" he asked, cupping your cheek. "l-love..?" you trailed off with your words. "but thank you for your compliments." you smiled, sheepishly, feeling his gaze burn into your body.

"oh, right." he said, extending his arm towards you. "i'm a soldier, or was a soldier. i'm kim do-gi." he laughed, awkwardly. 'so my love turned out to be a ghost, huh?' you sighed, mentally. you shook his arm, "i'm hong chae-rim, nice to meet you, mr. kim." you exchanged names with a smile. "how did you get here?" you asked, curiously. "i was sleeping. i heard my name being called so i followed after the voice. then, i saw your face and i ended up coming here."

"do you have any idea why?" he asked. "i-i think i might have the idea.." you trailed off, walking towards your room. he followed behind you, into your room. "what is it?" he asked, awaiting your answer. you pressed your lips, together. "last night, i casted a love spell. i think that may have summoned you here." you said, holding your chin in between your fingers. "but you're a ghost, how can i love a ghost?"

"what's wrong with loving a ghost?"

"i must have gone crazy..." you trailed off, hitting your forehead as you decided what to do in this situation.


a different type besides the usual. adding a lil fantasy in between. it's a lil choppy, i didn't have an ending nor a middle part so i just conjured up something.

please enjoy <3! ig.

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