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Dear Diary, 

It's my first day in Quesadilla Island which my mom (the dragon) dropped me off in! I ended up in a small space and I can hear stuff underneath me so I think i'm in an attic. Its very dark and scary here and i'm in some sorta cage!

I have been here for a while and i'm starting to get hungry so i'm gonna climb over the top of the cage and find some food. 

I got out of the cage but there is no food just dirt and cobwebs, maybe they will make some good food! ok ok maybe not but i'm desperate so i'm just gonna pick some dirt up and just put it in my mouth... EWW it tastes horrible but i have to get through the taste and eat it so that's what i'm doing! 

I swallowed the dirt. It was yucky but I have to eat it if I want to survive and besides i will get used to it sooner or later!

I really hope someone finds me it's really cold and the ground is wet and squishy! 

What am I gonna do here all alone! the walls are so close to me i can almost feel each and every one touching me at the same time! 


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