Day 62

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Dear Diary,

Wow it's day 62 already!

I know I was locked up in an attic for the first... 12 days? I honestly don't know but it felt like an eternity!

Anyway what happened today let me think...

Oh right!

Ninho is finished it doesn't look like a prison at all anymore!

It's perfect!

More things that happened?

Max is trying to arrange Foolish and Veggeta's wedding.

I think they would be perfect together!

I mean they are perfect but they could be even more perfect you know!

Although mr. Smiley and my Papi would be even better together!

Have you seen how they flirt!


Well you are just a book so probably not so let me explain!

They flirt.. well used to when my Papi wasn't so busy!

Honestly I don't know how to explain it, their just... perfect!

Anyway I'll go to sleep with the thought of that!

Good night!

I'll see you tomorrow!

I don't know why I say that every day your just a book you don't care if I'll see you tomorrow or in a year or even never!

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