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Dear diary,

Hi again! 

I think it's a new day, or at least I just woke up. 

I feel well rested so I think I may have been asleep for about maybe 10 or more hours so That's good right!

I am starving and dirt always tends to fill me up so I will have a bite of that and sip of the leak! (wow, I never thought I would say that in my life!)

The water just tastes like filtered water but the dirt Is terrible (still)!

I am extremely bored! I already taught myself one song on my flute and I have been practicing it so now I am making up my own songs and trying to figure out another song but its kinda hard when you can't listen to anything because your stuck in an attic with no WiFi, no electronics, and most of all nothing to do!!

Oh ya I figured out how to open up that cage so now I can go from the cage to the floor back to the cage without a hustle! 

I am laying in the cage writing in here with my flute beside me and the dirt is slowly getting to a smaller and smaller pile. 

If i'm not writing, practicing my flute, eating dirt, or drinking out of the leak i'm laying in the cage staring at the ceiling!

I need something more to do!

I just heard something and not like a person walking by like something in the ceiling! what is it? It kinda sounds like a spider!

AHHH a spider dropped out of the ceiling!

ok its fine I killed it! 

Well that was amusing for a few minutes!

Wait there's something under the cage! It looks like a book! It is I got it out!

I am gonna go start writing note down for my flute so I can always remember them!

Bye Diary!!!

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