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Dear Diary,

Two really kind people found me today!

There names were fit and Wilbur!

I look just like Wilbur!

I have a name! Wilbur named me Tallulah! 

Wilbur is now my papi!

I mean Wilbur didn't want a kid at first but than when he figured out how sweet I am I think it made him like me!

We started making a house today! I had so much fun out in the real world and I finally got some real food and a real drink!

I am sitting in our house right now on my bed that my papi made me!

My papi is a singer and he is in a band called lovejoy! He sung me a lullaby a few minutes ago, it wasn't one of his songs but one day he will sing me his songs!

My papi is going on tour soon! I really am going to miss him but I will stay with my abualita and Chyanne another egg while my papi is gone!!

I am so exited!

I am staying by my rule to make sure everyone else is happy before myself!

My papi will have the best life ever!

I feel happier now! 

I am slowly getting out of my head b the hour!

It's too early to be sure my papi won't leave me like my mom did but lets hope I stay here and stay happy with my papi!

I should get some rest now I have a big day ahead of me! 

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