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Dear Diary,

Mr. Smiley woke up early and broke all the rules.

Ok by all the rules your probably what I mean let me tell you!

He preformed metagaming, had more than 2 rows of hearts, and he attempted to go to the nether!

Oh ya and I went to Rycharlisons birthday!

It was so fun!

He had it on top of Ninho!

There was karaoke and everything!

Rycharlison had the best birthday and he really deserved it like for real!

He is an amazing friend, son, egg, and just person!

I already know my Papi won't be home for my birthday and seeing Rychar with his Papi's just makes me jealous.

Not that I'm not happy for him but it would be a dream to see my Papi one more time.

I feel like I'm never gonna see him again!

Im gonna go fantasize about my papi coming back.


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