second day in the attic

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Dear diary,

Hi again its me Tallulah! I have been stuck in this attic for 2 whole days! I wanna get out so bad!

The noise underneath me has settled down and only every so often someone walks by and are talking about this or that but other than that there is complete silence with only mu flute to keep me company!

I have been playing my flute so much that my mouth is now dry! There is a little leak in the roof that I have been drinking from but that's not very sanitary, well neither is dirt, but still!

I was thinking of trying to get out of here today but I think that will take forever and besides where would I go! I have no clue where I am! I guess I can just wait for someone to find me!

I am so bored!  

When I stopped writing yesterday I had a panic attack and passed out when I woke up everything was quiet and I assumed it was night time so I got some sleep I just woke up a few minutes ago but it feels like forever and who knows it may have been I don't have anything to tell the time with so it could bee days it could be weeks, ok ok probably just a few hours but still we never know how much time has passed!

I am getting hungry so i am going to take another bite of dirt.

It's still as gross as it was before! hopefully I get used to it soon! I really hope someone finds me before I get used to eating dirt!

There are new cobwebs on the ceiling so I think  there are a few if not more spiders in here, I have a huge fear of spiders! oh god please say someone finds me soon!

I am gonna leave and practice some songs on my flute since I have a lot of time and then when I get sleepy I will go to bed!

bye diary!

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