2 days later

93 3 0

Dear Diary,

Sorry its been so long I was to depressed to do anything other than sleep and I don't know how long its actually been but i'm back!

I eat some dirt before writing this and it wasn't bad so that's just sad.

I want someone to find me and make me happy again just one person.

If I had three wishes it would be for:

1. Better food and water

2. for someone to find me

and 3. to see my siblings again

that's it! nothing else would make me happier!

I just want to have someone to love me, and I want to love someone!

I want to live my life outside in the light of the day and night not some tiny space with no light at all!

I can barely even see what i'm writing right now! 

I want and need someone.

I feel myself getting weaker and weaker by second!

I want help, I want a perfect life, I want someone to love, I want someone to find me, I just want someone period!

I want to get my life together again. 

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