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Dear Dairy,

I have been laying in bed for like what feels like an hour!

I wasn't going to write since I was super tired but i haven't been able to get to sleep.

I have been laying awake thinking about how my life went from horrible to well perfect!

I don't know if I  deserve all this. like I just feel like I deserve to be back in that dark smelly attic surviving on dirt and a water leak.

It's raining outside. the rain drops hitting the window are kind of relaxing in a way.

sometimes I wish Wilbur and Fit hadn't found me! don't get me wrong i'm grateful and all but I just feel like I don't deserve it and like I deserve to be dead or in the attic again. 

I'm just scared that one day I'm going to be left behind again and be stuck somewhere or just be lonely again.

I am so glad I have a safe home and an amazing family but what if something happens to me or worse them!

Well now that I got that all out I think I should be able to fall asleep so good night I will see you tomorrow.

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