Day 66

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Dear Diary,

Sorry I didn't write yesterday I was too sad to wake up so I stayed in bed all day and have to clue what happened yesterday.

Im back today and not much happened.

I did tasks as usual and stayed alive so that's good.

I don't really have much to say so I'm probably just gonna go to sleep without writing much.

I think there was some sorta speech yesterday I don't know.

I just miss my Papi a lot!

I want him to come back and hang out with him.

What if I'm not alive when he comes back?

What if I'm dead?

I don't wanna die!


What if I get kidnapped before he comes back.

What if I get forced to leave before he comes back?

What if my mom takes me back before my papi gets back?

Anyway like I said before I don't have much to write so I'm just gonna go to sleep now.

Good night!

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