Dear Diary

I made another pome!

It took me a while to make! I spent like an hour on it well it's been bubbling up in my head alllll day but it took me an hour too finalize it and put it on paper!

Here it is:

My life used to be lonely
I was stuck in an attic eating only dirt
Until one day my Papi and my uncle fit found me
My life is great now
Other than the thoughts that cross my mind
I feel like I should have been left in the attic
But my Papi is great
I'm proud of him
I love him and all my uncles
My family is great
My life is great
Everything is great
So I have no right to want to be in the attic
I don't wanna be in the attic
But sometimes I feel like I deserve it
I know I don't
But the feeling is terrible
As long as everyone else is happy I'm happy
My Papi is definitely happy
So I'm happy
My uncles are happy
So I'm happy
My siblings are happy
So I'm happy
That's just how it is
I'm not happy
Which makes me feel selfish
So I have to act happy so no one knows
In everyone else's eyes I'm happy

That's it!

It's a little vent but all of it is true.

As long as I seem happy everyone else will be happy so that's what I will do!

Anyway I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go to sleep!

Have a good night/ day!

I hope your happy and that doesn't change!

Tallulah's Diary || QsmpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora