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Dear diary

I hung out with my Papi today!

We did tasks and just hung out! 

I love my abualito but it really is good to be back home! 

My Papi worked on the house a bit while I worked on the garden!

I love flowers of all kind but especially poppies and my Papi loves them too
I am much happier now that I have a family and all my uncles are the best!

It turns out Chayanne is my uncle since well my abuelito is my Papi's dad so that makes Chayanne my Papi's brother and my uncle!

He's the best uncle ever! (Ok well there is all so tio bad and tio foolish oh ya and how could I forget tio fit! Ok I guess I don't really have a favourite uncle and none of them are "the best" all of them are amazing).

My Papi sang me a lullaby! He's the best singer!

My Papi is going to Tour around the world ok maybe just the us and he might be going to Canada but still! 

I'm so proud of him I will definitely miss him though!

Ok it's getting late now I better get some sleep! I will see you tomorrow! 


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