shit factory

19 0 0

Dear Diary,

The French speaking people showed us there "shit factory"

Oh wow I never thought I'd say shit when I was with my Papi but I guess when I'm with my Abuelito he doesn't really care sooo I can swear I guess.

It still feels weird though.

I'll probably get used to it later on.


I wonder what my Papi will think?

Will he be mad?

Will he not care?

I mean I listen to his music which has swearing in it so I don't think he'll mind.

Speaking of his music!

I love lovejoy!

I think I am officially a lovenjoyer!

Lovejoy's music is so good!

I think Chayanne is fast asleep now and I should probably go to sleep too.


I'll see you tomorrow!

Tallulah's Diary || QsmpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon