another day

43 1 1

Dear, Diary


i'm writing in this thing again!

When I told Chayanne I keep a diary he said and I quote "that's cool but I bet your not going to keep it and write everyday" 

Look at me Chayanne i'm still writing!

I'm not trying to prove myself to anyone but myself sooo that should have said:

Look at me Tallulah or what do i say when im saying like me or what should i put there? what ever!

Look at me Tallulah I'm still writing!

ya I think that's right!

but does it help me prove myself to me? I don't know.

i'll keep trying and one day... ha that's one of my dads songs!

anyway like i was saying, one day I will prove myself to well myself! 

I will love myself as much as my Papi loves me, as much as my whole family! Chayanne, Papi, Abuelito, all of my Tios and all of my egg siblings!

My life will get better I will love myself and...

oh what am I saying I have trauma from being stuck in that attic eating nothing but dirt!

my life sucks...

Now I feel guilty because my papi is doing everything to make me happy and i'm well not happy I should be happy I should love life.

Well anyway about my day. 

I hung out with Chayanne and Abuelito today! we did tasks and just hung out all day! it was fun! 

I'm worried my Papi will leave me one day and never come back! I shouldn't feel like this since he loves me.

And there I go again! getting all depressed and venting for no reason at all!

well now that I have clued into what in doing im going to put my book down before I write something dumb again!

bye! see you tomorrow! 

Tallulah's Diary || QsmpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon