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Dear Diary,

Cucaracho is working on making a prison with a few workers.

The only people that should go in there are the binary monster and my mom or we'll the dragon for leaving her children alone.

The binary monster went after Pomme.

She survived even though he tried to killer 3 times, luckily none of his attempts actually worked.

She is the only egg with 2 life's left.

Oh ya I lost a life I forgot to mention that earlier.

It was a while ago and I couldn't talk about it because it hurt me to talk about seeing as how close to death I was.

I'll talk about it now though.

So the binary monster started attacking me and I got hit a few times and I got knocked down but I didn't die because people managed to pick me back up.

My Abuelito changed from using his axes to hit the binary monster to a sword.

The binary monster hit me down and I got up but than Abuelito accidentally hit me and i immediately died.

I think my Abuelito blames himself but it wasn't his faults it was the binary monsters fault!

But to think if that was my last life and I had died before I got to see my papi again I know he would be crushed.

I would feel like it was all my fault.

I don't know what he would do but I hope he wouldn't try and join me or do something bad that could risk his life.

I want him to live for me.

If I die my one wish for my dad is that he could still be happy and he could live his life without me.

Well that was how today went.

It was stressful.

I am extremely tired so I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep now!

Good night!

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