chapter one

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the assignment


"alright angels, with you all reaching one more year before taking over the big forces, it is time for one of the most important research projects of your education." the entire class of twenty-one-year-old angels groan, not a single one of us being fond of research projects.

"fallen angels." our professor states. a few of the angels gasping, excited that we would finally be learning about them. in heaven, fallen angels are something we don't speak of very often, but being descendants of original angels, it's imperative that we learn about them. they're seen as traitors of god, arguably one of the worst things you can do as an angel.

"i'm sure you all know why you need to learn about them," our professor frowns as no one dares to speak up.

"you must know about fallen angels in order to detect the signs of one. it will be your job to stop these things before they can happen. while a good bit of them are unforeseeable, there are plenty that you will be able to stop." the class nods silently. "someone tell me what a fallen angel is." the professor glares at us.

"a traitor of god." marcel answers. marcel was a warrior descendant, one of the cockier ones at that.

"correct. how can an angel betray god?" the professor shoots another question.

"they fall victim to temptation." seraph answers, one of the healing descendants.

"glad to see you all remember your first grade crash course. but now it's time to dive deeper." the professor snaps his fingers and all of our books turn to a different page. "fallen angels are dangerous. much like satan, they specialize in temptation. they feed off of temptation." as he speaks, all the angels slowly become more interested. it was fun to learn about something so taboo, you could hardly say the word fallen angel around here without getting a nasty glare from someone. a lot of the times it would end with a meeting with god, to make sure you yourself aren't falling into temptation.

"each one of you will leave here today with the name of a fallen angel that you must research. archangel gabriel will let you into the section of the library that holds a book on every single fallen angel to ever exist. that is where you will get all your information from."

"isn't it dangerous to think about fallen angels?" i ask. i was an informative descendant, so i always knew a little bit more than everyone around me.

"i'm glad you asked. that is true, but only if your fallen angel is active." the professor informs.

"active?" uriah, a protective descendant asks.

"an active fallen angel is one who roams earth, tempting weak humans and feeding off of their sin. thinking about them calls to them, and they will find you. however, you are safe from them here in heaven." the professor reassures the class.

"what about our earth tasks? do those of us who receive an active fallen angel become excused from our earth tasks for the time being?" mantra, a guardian descendant asks.

"no. your earth tasks will continue. you will just have to refrain from thinking about your fallen angel while you are on earth." the professor shakes his head.

"but..." he sighs. "if you so happen to accidentally call upon your fallen angel, you must know it is strictly forbidden to speak with them. they are masters of temptation, even the strongest of angels will fall weak to their charms. if you encounter your fallen angel, you must retreat immediately, do not speak a single word to them." professor glares. most of us shift uncomfortably in our seats.

"if you are caught speaking to your fallen angel, your descendant status will be revoked and you will spend time in the corridors." the angels gasp. 'the corridors' as we call it, are endless halls, cursed by the archangel michael. the legend says that you will roam them endlessly until your soul is cleansed of the sin you nearly committed. but no one knows how long that takes, not even the best of the informative angels.

"anymore questions?" the class shakes their heads. "good, then i will review the ground rules and assign each of you a fallen angel. then, you are to immediately head to the library and meet with archangel gabriel." the class nods.

"you may not switch assignments with a classmate, all fallen angels are assigned to you by destiny, switching will cause a ripple in heaven's future."

"if you receive an active fallen angel, you are forbidden to seek them out, or even think of them while on earth."

"in the event that you are found by an active fallen angel, you do not engage even in the slightest, you retreat straight back to heaven."

"if you speak with a fallen angel, your risk of falling yourself becomes doubled. if you are caught before you fall, you will be placed in the corridors, descendant status revoked."

"this research project will take the whole year to complete. you must learn anything and everything you can about fallen angels. your knowledge will be tested, if you succeed, you will move onto the last stage of your training."

the professor finishes telling us the rules and guidelines of the assignment. half of the class looks terrified, while the other half is intrigued.

"has anyone ever fallen from doing this research project?" seraph asks. the professor drops his head low.

"once." he quickly clears his throat, but i didn't miss the sadness of his tone. "please everyone check your desks. your fallen angel assignment is there. once you open it, you may report to the library." he says without looking up, promptly walking out of our classroom. the angels hesitantly reach inside their desks, each of us pulling out a golden envelope. it was addressed specifically to us. i quickly opened mine, excited to see if i would get a well known one like lilith, or eden.

a frown forms on my face, looking at the picture of my fallen angel. he looked to be around my age, a rather innocent face, stars painted his cheeks and i could tell that he had been a healing angel, the power radiating from his picture had told me that he too was a descendant once. i gasp, had this been the one angel that fell from this assignment?

fallen angel: lee felix
fell: nearly one-thousand years ago
status: active

the last group of descendants was nearly one-thousand years ago. i had never heard anything about a descendant falling. it is significantly harder for us to fall because we are heaven-born, so the fact that it had happened at all was crazy. being an informative descendant, i was able to piece together a decent amount of history from just a few facts. i was able to read angels, knowing their type and age just by looking at them.

so far what i gathered about felix was that he was a descendant healer, age locked at twenty-two, which would have been the year he graduated from training. i couldn't figure out why i didn't get any sinister vibe from him, in fact, his picture radiated innocence, to say i was intrigued was an understatement. i had to figure out why he fell.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now