chapter fifteen

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not a mistake


"felix... we don't have a lot of time." jeongin tells felix as we go through his portal, felix's grip on my hand tight. he nods, pulling me a little ways away from jeongin.

"dina, listen-"

"no! god would never pair me with someone like you!" i try to pull my hand from his grasp but it was no use. he wasn't letting go.

"you can save me!" felix yells back, his free hand coming up to cup my jaw. "you can save me." he repeats, voice calmer this time. i shake my head. it didn't make sense. a fallen angel was a fallen angel, end of story. even if felix was the one that jumped, putting himself in the situation, he chose his own destiny. "our wings are a perfect match, you can't deny that."

"i would rather end up alone." i tell him coldly. his eyes soften, making me feel instant regret for my words. "felix..." i start, not really knowing where i was going with this. "it just can't happen. i don't want to fall."

"kiss me." he demands, looking into my eyes. his own eyes beginning to line with tears, the sight breaking my heart.

"felix, no-"

"kiss me. if you still feel the same way after, fine. but at least give me a chance." he pleads. i could tell he was desperate, and something in me was screaming to give into him. felix drew his face impossibly closer to mine as i battled with my thoughts, unable to break his intense eye contact. his hand on my jaw pushed back further, his fingers gently grabbing the roots of my hair as he began to pull me closer to him. i couldn't protest, practically lost in the trance of his eyes.

i felt my wings shake, mimicking the shake of his wings that i could just barely see out of my peripherals. felix breathed out, his breath ghosting over my lips as my wings curled with pleasure. i could have sworn i saw his brows furrow in pain, but i didn't have time to register that before he pressed his lips against mine.

i leaned into the kiss, a sigh of contentment escaping my lips as i instantly kissed him back. everything felt right, and all i could think about was how his soft lips moved against mine. until i heard felix grunt.

"felix?" i pull away, worriedly scanning his face. and i was right, his face was contorted into pain. "felix, whats wrong?" his breathing was ragged, yet he kept his face close to mine.

"nothing... keep... keep going please." he shakes his head, pressing his lips against mine once again. this time, my hands fly to the back of his neck, pulling him closer as we continued moving our lips in perfect sync against one another.

"agh!" felix cries out, breaking the kiss.

"felix?" i question, my eyes going to his wings. "oh my..." i gasp, hand reaching up to touch his wings. the dark swirl pattern on them had faded significantly, almost back to a perfect pearly white. i suddenly recalled the burning pain of my own wings when his black color started to etch onto my swirled pattern. but i only felt it for a few seconds at a time.

"it's working..." he breathes, his own eyes looking at his wings as well.

"h-how..." i trail off. there weren't many things i didn't know, being an informative angel, but watching his wings change before my eyes, i couldn't deny it.

"you can save me." he repeats his words from earlier. and it suddenly clicked.

"i love you... and..."

"virtue outweighs sin." he finishes the thought for me.

"i can save you..." a smile starts to tug at my lips, felix mimicking the action.

"guys... we have to move." jeongin's serious voice pulled me out of the moment with felix.

"why?" i ask, felix pulling me up by the arm.

"warrior angels are trying to kill us." jeongin explains quickly, closing his eyes as he prepared to open a portal.

"but felix's wings, i'm changing them." i protest, jeongin opening his eyes to glance at the boys wings.

"they're still pretty dark, and this isn't the only sin we've committed today." he goes back to focusing, opening the portal right before our eyes. "go." he urges, pushing felix and i through. as we step through, we turn back to look at him, confused as to why he wasn't following us.

"jeongin, come on." felix ushers, attempting to reach through the portal. jeongin shrinks the portal, looking through to us with a smile.

"find us when you finish this. i'll keep the others safe." jeongin winks, not explaining any further as he fully closes the portal.

"what? where are we?" i question, looking around. it looked as if we were in some kind of cave. the walls rocky with a soft glow from a torch light. the ground was a soft moss, i reach down, feeling the texture between my fingers.

"i have no idea." felix responds, looking around the cave.

"what if the warrior angels find us..." i trail off in fear, looking towards the exit of the cave, where i could just barely see the sunlight trickling in. i jump, feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist, but relax once i feel felix's breath fan over my wings.

"i don't think they will..." he trails off, voice soft, and welcoming. i no longer felt any resentment towards him, nor fear. the excitement i felt from our kiss still hadn't died down, nor did the fact that i could save felix, and we could live in heaven together. i spin around in his arms, meeting his sweet gaze.

"why did he leave us here? we should help the others, we can explain everything to-"

"we're not done." felix says, his hands lightly squeezing my hips. my brows furrow. "my wings are still gray." he says, fluttering them into my field of vision. i blink, unsure of what to say. did he want me to kiss him again? "dina." he calls, interrupting my thoughts. our gazes meet once again, there was desire swirling in my eyes, the look causing my breath to hitch.

"felix..." i shake my head, instantly knowing what he was implying. "not here."

"then where?" he questions, tucking a strand of hair behind my ears. the action making my wings flutter. i stayed silent, not having an answer to the question. "it's safe here. jeongin wouldn't haven't sent us here otherwise." he coaxes, voice still soft.

"but we-"

"i love you. our wings are a perfect match, god intended us to be together." his gaze turned serious and full of love as he spoke. my heart nearly melted. i couldn't deny it any longer, from the very beginning he made me feel something. god's magic worked fast like that, the first time i ever saw his wings, i knew there was something about him.

everything suddenly made sense, fallen angel's being assigned to us for a reason, my reason being to fall in love, all so i could save him. it wasn't impossible anymore, and i knew what i needed to do.

"i love you." i reply, giving him no time to think before i connected our lips once again. felix smiled into the kiss, despite his pained grunt, he reached up, wrapping his hands around the back of my neck to prevent me from pulling away. this kiss was different from the first one, and i couldn't put my finger on how until i felt my back press against the cold, rocky wall of the cave.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now