chapter fourteen

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the corridors

3rd persons POV

dina wanders the corridors aimlessly, opening doors that lead to no where. she wanted to leave, she wanted to run back to felix, she felt herself slowly forgetting the way his wings looked and she didn't want to do that. she wondered if felix had been caught and killed yet. the thought making her feel sick. she had no track of time, she felt as if she could have been in here for a few days or a few years. she had no idea.

"dina!" jisung pushes open a door, calling her name. she turns around, looking at him quizzically. she didn't know you could see other people in the corridors. "it's time for your evaluation." he lies, not knowing if anyone was listening or not. she nods mindlessly, walking towards him. once she was close enough, he pulled her into the small room.

"you're familiar." she smiles at him. she felt like she knew him, but she couldn't put her finger on it. her words made jisung worry, but he relaxed a little noticing there was still a good amount of black on her wings.

"i'm jisung, felix's friend. we met just yesterday before you were put in here." he tells her, trying to gauge how much she had already forgotten.

"felix? is he still alive?" she asks, worry suddenly taking over her features.

"he's fine, i need you to come with me." he starts to feel nervous, and he knew if he thought about it any longer he would chicken out. so without waiting for a response, he locks his arm with hers, pulling her out the door he and other protective angels are allowed through. he struggled as she didn't fly with him, but he managed well enough. an alarm instantly going off as the two emerge from the door.

"jisung! hurry!" minho yells, panic taking over his features as he sees a few warrior angels instantly heading towards them. jisung notices this, and practically flings dina to chan and minho. chan catches her, noticing she seemed quite out of it, he signals for seungmin. seungmin instantly flies over, wrapping his arms around her.

"she's okay, just confused." he says, placing his hand on her forehead, putting her into a slight trance as he tries to help jog her memory.

"jisung!" minho yells again, causing the other boys to look over. jisung currently fighting off the warrior angels who had gotten ahold of him. minho looks at chan worriedly, and chan nods.

"go, we got her." chan reassures minho. he wastes no time before flying to jisung, fighting off his fellow warrior angels to save jisung.

"hyunjin, changbin, we have her. we need to go now." seungmin speaks, using the angel link they had. felix instantly perks up upon hearing that she was out. he was getting quite anxious, sitting on jeongin's floor, waiting for the signal.

"jeongin, the first hideout is the old warehouse by the garden." hyunjin tells him. jeongin nods instantly, pulling open a portal to earth, motioning for felix to follow him. felix was nervous, he wouldn't be able to hear anything anyone else was saying while they were on earth.

"felix come on, we have to hurry." jeongin urges. reluctantly felix follows him. once they were gone, changbin and hyunjin reach back out to seungmin.

"the old warehouse by the garden, felix and jeongin will be there when you get there." changbin informs them. they don't reply as they watch minho struggle to save jisung.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now