chapter eight

693 44 41

in too deep


as quickly as the smirks had appeared on the two boys, they had disappeared. hyunjin's going first as he loudly cleared his throat, seemingly snapping felix out of some sort of trance as his smirk disappeared soon after. my heart was beating rapidly, but this time not because of the close proximity with felix, i was scared. this was the first time i had felt anything other than innocence radiating from them. it was as if a switch had flipped in their heads, but they quickly flipped it back. a worried expression covered felix's features.

"dina..." he cautiously calls my name, as if he was trying to gauge my emotions in the moment. i refuse to meet his gaze, worried that his soft expression will snap me out of my reality that even looking at a fallen angel is wrong. i shouldn't be here, i should have never been here.

"dina it's not what you think." hyunjin speaks, as if knowing exactly what i was thinking in this moment. but he couldn't possibly know the silent war going on in my head. my heart begging me to look at felix, but my mind screaming at me to fly away. i look back at my wing, noticing hyunjin was no where near done covering the dark black feathers. but that was truly the least of my worries. i take a few steps back from them.

"don't..." felix reaches his hand out, but i pull myself out of his reach, still refusing to meet his gaze. i was scared of them. much to his protest, i slowly back out of the house, him following me the whole way. i fly into the air and felix follows.

"felix, don't." hyunjin says, running to the door of the house. he looks up at us worriedly and i could tell he wished he had a pair of wings of his own. felix only looks back at hyunjin with an apologetic look. "felix, i swear to-" i don't hang around to hear their bickering. instead, i quickly fly up, looking for coolette's portal. as it comes into view, i speed towards it, panic seeping through my veins as i feel someone push me into the portal. their arms wrapped tightly around my waist as we roll along the floor of heaven.

"ouch, what the-" i groan attempting to pull the other person off of me. i open my mouth to scream, but it's quickly covered by their hand.

"please don't." felix whispers. my eyes seem to never get a break when i'm around him, constantly widening in confusion, fear, surprise, and just about every other feeling you'd widen your eyes for. i roughly remove his hand from my mouth, looking around, silently thanking... god i guess... that no one else was here.

"how are you in here?" i whisper yell. fallen angels were completely banished from heaven, no amount of magic could bring them back in, even tailing another angel doesn't work. so how is felix cutely staring at me in heaven right now? before he opens his mouth to speak, the voice of an angel is heard making its way towards us, not just any angel however. archangel michael was coming.

"you know the rules, coming in late from an earth task means you're on night watch." his voice booms as he comes closer. i look down at felix, his face contorted into fear. i don't know why, but i wanted to protect him, even though i still felt afraid of him. i quickly wave my hand, the blue haired boy disappearing in seconds as i throw an invisibility shield over him. a power that all angels possess, typically only used in the event of a battle, or when our earth task requires us to be less than secretive. once i'm sure he's invisible, i throw on my jacket to cover my wings.

"dina? who else came in late?" he eyes me suspiciously.

"no one, just me." i tell him, technically not lying.

"i swear i heard two people come through..." his head turns to where felix is, my entire body tensing up, praying that he can't sense the boy. his eyes linger on the spot for longer than i would have liked.

"i apologize, archangel michael, i will be sure to report to night watch promptly." i bow at him, hoping to tear his gaze from the invisible boy. i hear him sigh.

"since this is your first offense, i won't hold it to you."

"thank you so much-"

"but hear me when i say this." he steps closer to me, his tall frame towering over me, nearly bringing me to tears at his sudden harshness. "stupid games win stupid prizes, and trust me dina, you don't want to be caught playing a stupid game." he hisses as he brings his gaze back towards where felix is likely shaking in fear at this point.

"y-yes archangel michael... i understand." i shiver nervously. he nods, giving one last glance to the invisible boy before flying off. i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. the protective shield around felix slowly fading as i begun to relax.

"are you stupid? archangels can see right through these things!" felix whisper yells.

"are you stupid? how can you even be in here?" i retort. "you practically gave me no choice! you're lucky he seemed to not care for some reason!" i snap.

"he will tell the others." felix replies coldly. i furrow my brows in confusion. "the other archangels. you need to come with me unless you want to be locked in the corridors. or worse, fall." he reaches his hand out to me.

"do you seriously think i trust you?" i grimace at him. just before he speaks an alarm goes off, the alarm that signals a threat. archangels can set that alarm off at any given time... so why did archangel michael wait?

"do you have a choice?" he raises his eyebrows at me, hand still waiting for me to grab it. i bite my lip in hesitation, i meet his eyes. the stars on his cheeks shimmering as a worried expression covers his features. with the alarm ringing through my ears, watching as every portal to earth quickly seals shut, i place my hand in his. a small smile forms on his lips, but he quickly wipes it away as he pulls me into the air, flying at a lightening speed.

i had no idea where we were going. we were stuck in heaven, no way back to earth, but felix seemed to know exactly where to go. as if not being up here for a thousand years didn't effect him in the slightest. i couldn't ignore the drop of my stomach the minute i placed my hand in his. feeling all hope for my future dissipating the more i let the blue haired boy control me. but truth be told, he wasn't controlling me, i was fully aware of all my decisions, and all the consequences that came with them. he had never forced me to do anything with him.

i had touched his wings on my own accord. i had followed him to hyunjin. i met with him again, letting myself touch his wings. meeting hyunjin once more. though he followed me up here, i could have easily pushed him back through a portal, but i chose to shield him. i could have easily ran from him, leaving him to deal with himself, but i chose to place my hand in his. despite everything i knew telling me it was a bad idea, all of it, i had never felt as if it was truly bad. but that didn't change the fact that i was scared.

even more so as felix flies to a familiar house. rounding to the back of it before frantically knocking on the door. was he crazy? i'm the only angel crazy enough to even think about helping him.

at least, that's what i thought.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum