chapter eleven

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do something

lee felix

i sat uncomfortably on the couch of my old friend's house. waiting impatiently for chan to come back with an update. he had went after her after she flew away, i was worried sick about her. it was selfish of me to even worry about her knowing I'm the reason her life was like this. my friends tried to comfort me, but we all knew i would only feel better when dina was back. i shoot up from my spot on the couch as chan comes back in the house. only problem was, he didn't have dina with him. he meets my gaze, gently shaking his head. i froze.

"they got her." he spoke. i fell to my knees. seungmin instantly coming to my side to comfort me.

"do you know what they're gonna do with her?" jeongin asks. being a guardian angel, it was in his nature to worry and attempt to protect people. i cant imagine he feels any different about dina. chan takes on a pained expression.

"no..." i choke out.

"i'm sorry felix..." i feel tears brimming my eyes.

"the corridors?" jeongin asks wide eyed. chan only nods.

"we have to stop them!" i say, standing up, only to be held back by seungmin.

"felix we can't! if you're seen they'll throw you out of heaven again! or worse, they'll kill you!" changbin says, holding me back with seungmin.

"i can't let her be thrown into the corridors over my stupidity!" i cry, struggling to break out of their grasps.

"felix." chan calls. "she's already in there. there's nothing we can do..."

"what?" i breathe out.

"i watched marcel throw her in myself. she's gone." i feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. i had never felt such immense pain before. not even when i jumped, and that was insanely painful. but this, somehow hurt worse. i couldn't breathe, i was choking on my own tears. i knew my future was shitty, but i didn't think anything could top being a criminal in a world where i should be loved. somehow, hurting dina, who i hadn't even known for that long, hurt much worse. how can someone else be punished for my sin? it wasn't fair...

"i'll turn myself in..."

"felix, no." minho instantly shuts down the idea.

"i have to... maybe then they'll let her go."

"likely not! they'll kill you, and even if they did release her, she would be so distraught that you were gone. she would fall just like hyunjin. she's going to suffer anyways." changbin yells.

"well there has to be something we can do!" i shout back.

"maybe there is..." jisung speaks up, all eyes instantly turn to him. "it's risky... but-"

"out with it!" minho urges him.

"protective angels have access to the corridors... to make sure the angels in there are doing okay." he starts.

"doing okay? as if the corridors aren't a cruel punishment..." chan scoffs.

"what are you saying?" seungmin asks cautiously.

"m-maybe i could... break her out..."

"absolutely not." minho shakes his head.


"i said no! that puts you at risk."

"aren't i already at risk? we all are! keeping him hidden." jisung argues, pointing at me.

"he's right. if any of us got caught, we would all fall anyways." changbin agrees.

"that doesn't mean we should add even more risk on top of this." seungmin chimes in.

"risk is risk, we're already taking a huge one, what's wrong with another one?" jeongin glares at minho.

"are you stupid? jisung is the only one that can do this, if he gets caught he's out, there's nothing we can do about it. all of us taking a risk together is vastly different than just one of us." minho glares back, and if looks could kill.

"so what if he falls? hyunjin can keep him company!" jeongin nearly growls. minho chuckles. you don't want to argue with minho once he starts laughing.

"so it wouldn't matter if you fell? huh? how about i push you right now-" minho starts stepping toward jeongin.

"oho- i'd like to see you try." jeongin marches towards minho with the same amount of ferocity.

"enough!" chan yells. pulling minho away from jeongin. the two boys looking as if they would kill each other any second. "minho, if jisung wants to do this, he can. no one's gonna force him, but it's ultimately his decision."

"thanks hyung." jisung smiles triumphantly.

"that being said, jisung, what you're proposing is extremely risky. are you sure you want to do it?" chan asks, a parental tone to his voice.

"felix is our friend, our best friend. i would do just about anything for him, and i know you guys would too." jisung looks up at me, offering a sweet smile. of course i smile back.

"even if it means you'll fall?" minho says, anger in his voice, chan glares at him.

"even if it means i'll fall." jisung confirms, regardless of minho's protests.

"i'm with jisung, whatever it takes." jeongin steps up, locking his arm with jisung.

"me too." seungmin says from behind me, wrapping his arm around me securely.

"same here." changbin joins, stepping in front of seungmin and i. chan still has a firm grip on minho.

"you guys already know i'll do anything for any of you. that includes felix." chan says. with that, all of our gazes fall to minho. anger still covering his features.

"this is so stupid..." he growls.

"hey, if you want out, you can go. we won't hold it against you." jisung says, walking up to the angry boy. he rolls his eyes before locking his gaze with me.

"i don't want out." he starts, chan finally releases his grip. minho makes his way over to me, seungmin's grip tightening reassuringly. "we're family. we've gotta stick together, even if it means we look like damn idiots." he says. a small smile creeps onto my lips, i almost see one form on his face but he quickly wipes it away. "i'll help you." he places his hand on my shoulder.

"thank you..." was all i could manage to choke out. i couldn't ask for a better group of friends. i would do anything for them and it felt good to know they would do the same for me. but this only meant everything was about to get even more complicated. we needed a plan, and it needed to be a damn good one if we all wanted to make it out okay.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now