chapter twenty

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epilogue - what the future holds


"uncle innie!" finite's bright, cheery voice echos through the house. felix and i look over to the boy in question, currently sat at the kitchen island, eating from a bag of chips.

"yes?" he calls out in response, and in seconds, finite bursts into the kitchen, the stars on her cheeks shining with happiness.

"i got my first guardian angel assignment!" she tells him happily.

"that's great! who did you get?" jeongin asks. felix and i watching the whole interaction in adoration.

"two girls! twin sisters from canada!" she claps happily.

"wh— two?" felix joins in, brows furrowing in confusion.

"i thought guardian angels can only watch over one person at a time." i state, looking to jeongin for confirmation.

"well... i thought so too." he shrugs. "but our assignments are given to us by fate. so it can't exactly be a mistake." he adds.

"professor says it's because i'm special." she smiles, fluttering her wings slightly.

"he's right about that." felix chuckles, going over to pick her up, rubbing his nose against hers before pulling her into a hug. i smile at the interaction, politely excusing myself from the kitchen. i quickly head up the stairs, knocking on a certain someone's door.

"come in." he replies.

"hey— i have a random question." i start.

"go for it." changbin says, clasping his hands over his lap.

"is it at all possible that finite could become an archangel?" his brows furrow for a moment as he thinks.

"i mean... generally speaking, it should be possible. but i don't think something like adding a new archangel would happen for a couple more millennia." he shakes his head. "why do you ask?"

"finite got her first guardian angel assignment, it's two girls at once." i tell him. and suddenly, his eyes glaze over. a vision. "what do you see?"

"it's up to her." he says.


"if she stays a descendant, or grows into an archangel." he explains further.

"so it is possible?" he nods.

"depending on the choices she makes."

"can you not tell which one she'll get?" i question.

"no... for some reason it's... not there." he shakes his head.

"should i be worried? i know blocked visions are not a good sign." i furrow my brows, crossing my arms over my chest.

"i... don't worry. i'll look into it some more and see what i can find." he tells me. i nod, quietly exiting his room, slight worry filling my mind, but i tried to not let it get to me.

"i could be an archangel like you, mommy?" finite's voice suddenly fills my ears. the little descendant-in-training stood at the base of the stairs, a small glowing portal suddenly disappearing from beside her. i pause for a moment, realizing what just happened. squatting down to her height, i give her a warm smile.

"maybe. but you don't need to worry about things like that right now, baby." i tuck a strand of her hair behind her ears. "now come on, i need to have a chat with uncle innie." i tell her, heading back down the stairs.

"and that's what i'm saying-" i don't bother to listen in on felix and jeongin's conversation before i start.

"yang jeongin." his eyes widen significantly as he turns to me, his wings dropping instantly as if he was already guilty.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now