chapter six

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keeping secrets


"you're so jumpy today." uriah laughs as he sits down next to me, obviously noticing my slight jump.

"i'm just stressed." i tell him.

"is this about felix?" he asks, my eyes widening at the mention of his name.

"what? of course not..." i answer quickly.

"if it is, it's okay, we know how scary it probably is, having to go to earth and all." he pats my back. i was definitely thanking god that we had these jackets that covered our wings, i was already nervous enough as is. i don't know what i would do if i wasn't able to cover them.

"guys!" mantra yells, loudly plopping in a seat next to us, causing me to jump again. "didn't mean to scare you." she giggles.

"she's stressed about felix." uriah tells her. she nods understandingly. if only they knew.

"well guess what i learned about my fallen angel today..." she smirks at us. we stare at her expectantly. "she's the first ever pregnant fallen angel, which means she had her baby after she fell!"

"what? what happened to the baby?" i ask wide eyed.

"the baby became a mortal. like a totally regular human, how crazy is that?" she gawks.

"kinda sad if you think about it." uriah replies.

"what's sad?" marcel asks, seraph following behind him.

"pregnant fallen angels give birth to mortal babies." mantra tells them.

"that's cool!" seraph yells.

"kinda sad." marcel says.

"that's what i said." uriah holds out his fist for a fist bump, marcel happily obliges.

"what did she do to fall?" i ask, changing the subject.

"adultery." we all gasp at the answer.

"i didn't even know angels could commit adultery." seraph says with wide eyes.

"well we do have free will." marcel shrugs.

"yeah but how can you even find another angel attractive besides the one god pairs you with?" she retorts.

"lust and attraction aren't related." i answer. "they can be two separate feelings."

"good ole textbook." uriah pats my back. i roll my eyes.

"hey where were you yesterday? you said you would meet up with us eventually during free time. you missed the snow angels!" seraph frowns.

"oh it was um... night time in seoul, the city is so pretty at night i got distracted." i lie.

"you didn't see felix again, did you?" marcel asks. i immediately shake my head.

"hopefully he leaves me alone." i say. they all nod.

"i'm still jealous, you got the coolest fallen angel." mantra groans.

"i think marcel has the coolest." i tell her. "lilith is a beast."

"and she's inactive, so you don't have to worry about coming face to face with her!" seraph adds. we all shudder at the thought.

"she's so bitter though." marcel cuts in. "i feel like i'm reading some sappy story every time i learn about her." he groans causing all of us to laugh. a sudden loud siren ends our conversation.

"all descendants, please report to the classroom immediately. i repeat, all descendants to the classroom immediately." we all eye each other curiously before we all slip our jackets off, ready to fly to the classroom.

"what do you think it's about?" uriah asks as we fly.

"no clue." we all shrug. we quickly enter the classroom, placing our jackets back on, waiting patiently to see what this was about.

"descendants." we all freeze at the voice that called out to us. we instantly kneel. it was god. "you must all know a good bit about your fallen angel by now, yes?" he asks and we all nod.

"as you may know, you were all assigned your specific fallen angel for a reason, and today, you are going to be finding out that reason." our professor suddenly speaks, walking next to god.

"we have called upon fate and destiny to deliver the reason to each of you. you are not to share this with anyone. this will be something that will shape your future as a generational descendant." god speaks powerfully.

"it typically comes in the form of a lesson, or an action that you will eventually complete. if you fail to learn the lesson, or complete your action. you will fail the fallen angel report, and you will not move onto the next and final portion of your training." the professor speaks sternly, making eye contact with each and every one of us.

"as i call your names, you will come forward, and i will bestow upon you your reason." god clasps his hands together, signaling that we stand up straight. without hesitation, we do. i wait impatiently as everyone's name gets called, out of my friend group, seraph went first, then marcel, mantra, and uriah. i was the last of the whole descendant class to be called. i was extremely nervous, but very excited to learn the reason felix was my fallen angel. i hoped it would give me some answers.

"dina." god's voice booms, pulling me to the front of the classroom. i kneel before him, standing back up once he was satisfied with my kneel. he hands me a golden piece of paper, much like the one we received when we got the names of our fallen.

"thank you." i tell him, kneeling once more.

"destiny is destiny, dina, never forget that." he tells me. i nod before walking away. gently unfolding the paper, anticipation eating away at me. i re-read the words on the golden page several times. mouth falling agape each time i read it. minutes passed and i continued to read over it. there's no way. was this a task? some sick joke? how could this even make sense. i felt my heart beating a million times a minute, utter confusion taking over, but most importantly, fear.

fall in love.

it was crazy how three simple words sent my mind in a spiral. fall in love? with felix? i couldn't. i would quite literally fall from heaven if i did such a thing. how was i meant to complete this 'task'. it made no sense. completing this would cause me to fall, and i surely wouldn't be moving into the final training stage if i fell. but not completing this, i wouldn't move on either. it's impossible. i felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes, all signs pointed to my failure. there seemed to be nothing i could do. my wings twitch uncomfortably as a tear escapes my eyes. my new covered black feathers coming to my mind as i did something i never thought i would do. i questioned god.

how could he set me up for failure, why would he do such a thing? i cried. and as my friends started to notice, i quickly flew away, unable to even attempt to console myself with them. i couldn't tell them, even if i wanted to. everything about my future was forbidden. my life was a waste, how can anyone be born to fail?

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now