chapter nine

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playing stupid games


the poor boy's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he opened the door, revealing felix and i. we were currently outside of a guardian angels home. he wasn't a descendant, just a regular guardian angel. yang jeongin, twenty-two years old. i had never personally met him, but i knew of him. he was friends with a few ninth generational descendants, seungmin being one of them, which is probably why we are at his door right now, seeing as felix was also a ninth generational descendant.

"jeongin i don't have much time to explain, i just need your help." felix pleads. jeongin silently nods, stepping aside to let us in.

"s-seungmin!" jeongin calls. footsteps are heard before seungmin enters the room, eyes landing upon us.

"felix?" he gasps. "guys! we have a problem..." seungmin yells. at that four other angels come waltzing down the stairs. my eyes scan the four new figures, instantly figuring them out.

han jisung, protective angel, twenty-two. seo changbin, informative angel, twenty-three, lee minho, warrior angel, twenty-four, and bang chan, warrior angel, twenty-five. all of their eyes widen in shock upon seeing the blue haired boy.

"you guys have to hide now. we can ask questions later." changbin speaks, his eyes seeming to flash into a trance before focusing back on us.

"no way! you get visions?" i couldn't help myself, feeling jealous. not many informative angels could get visions, so it was cool when you found one that did. he ignores me.

"hide! right now!" he urges. jeongin pushes the couch revealing a trap door, he quickly pulls it open and without hesitation, felix pulls me into it. the door quickly shuts above us and i hear the couch sliding back into place. i tense up as someone knocks on the door. felix notices, bringing his hand up to caress my face. i flinch before my body relaxes into his touch.

"it's gonna be okay..." he whispers. but i couldn't move.

"jeongin, where is chan?" the authoritative voice speaks. i couldn't quite make out who it was.

"i'm here." chan replies. "what's the problem?" he asks nonchalantly.

"your little friend has finally made his reappearance." the voice says, tone laced with venom. the guys all gasp, and i assume they're faking shock.

"t-that's impossible..." chan stutters. the voice scoffs.

"you wouldn't mind if i looked around, would you?" i feel my heart stop beating at his words, looking at felix with pure panic in my eyes. he places his hand over my mouth, probably worried i would utter some subconscious sound of fear. his eyes never leave mine, and the longer i stare into his, the more i calm down.

"not at all. even if he was here, he wouldn't be stupid enough to come to us." chan replies, i could tell he was shooting daggers at felix. i squeeze my eyes shut tightly as i hear footsteps enter the house. i feel my body begin to tremble, my wings twitching uncomfortably.

"hiding a fugitive is grounds to fall, you know that right?" the voice moves all around the room, i can hear him looking behind and under various things.

"felix is hardly a fugitive, you know that right?" chan retorts.

"sin or no sin, he was banished." i stop breathing completely as i hear the couch being pushed. felix had a comforting hand on my thigh, he didn't seem panicked at all.

"obviously he wasn't banished if he's back." chan states confidently. the voice chuckles.

"this is why you'll never run the front lines." i nearly sigh in relief as i hear him step away from the trap door. "you're much too soft. he isn't welcome here anymore."

"as if you'll ever run the front lines." chan scoffs. "you'll never be a descendant. that's why you hate felix so much. that's why you did what you did to him. i'm surprised you haven't tried anything on seungmin." chan's tone had suddenly got much darker. i had less fear in me and more curiosity.

"felix didn't deserve to be a descendant! prodding around with that filthy earth-born." i have to hold in a gasp. i could tell felix was getting uncomfortable that i was hearing bits and pieces of his backstory. my informative brain already putting pieces together. earth-born angels were angels who were once human, only humans who die a wrongful death are turned into angels. there was always an unspoken rule that heaven-born's and earth-born's were like two different species. i always thought it was stupid. earth-born's are just as much angels as heaven-born's. it didn't take me long to gather that hyunjin was likely the earth-born angel.

"you're just mad because hyunjin was a better angel than you could ever dream of being." minho suddenly speaks up, confirming my suspicions.

"really?" the voice laughs. "then tell me, why am i still here, when he has been banished?" i could practically hear the smirk.

"you know exactly why, cas." minho spits. but with that, we hear the angel leave. i let out a deep breath, squinting as the light from above shines in the dark room, chan opening the trap door. felix and i climb out.

"you have a multitude of explaining to do." i glare at felix, he drops his head, avoiding my gaze.

"she's right." chan crosses his arms. "we're all in danger because of you, so you better have a good reason to show up like this." felix doesn't speak. instead he reaches over my shoulders and pulls off my jacket. my wings springing free.

"holy shit..." jisung gasps.

"that's not good." seungmin groans.

"is that paint?" jeongin asks, getting a closer look.

"i can't believe it..." chan breathes out. minho just pinches the bride of his nose.

"does anyone wanna tell me what's going on?" i ask.

"you're a descendant informative, how have you not figured it out yet?" changbin asks.

"felix is a fallen angel who somehow still has his wings, he fell because he showed compassion to hyunjin. i'm assuming all of you are friends. i'm assuming that other angel is not your friend, and that he somehow played a part in felix falling. for some reason archangel michael showed compassion to felix, he gave us a few extra minutes to run before setting off the alarm. other than that i have no clue how felix has wings, how he can even get into heaven, nor do i understand why my wings start to change color when i touch his wings."

"wow... you're really behind..." changbin giggles.

"mind catching me up to speed? starting with this whole wing fiasco." i cross my arms.

"can you name all of the sins?" changbin asks.

"of course."

"is compassion or love a sin?" he cocks an eyebrow at me.

"obviously not." i frown, unsure where he was going with this.

"angel's can't fall if they haven't committed a sin."

"so what you're saying is-"

"felix never fell. he jumped."

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now