chapter twelve

670 43 52

old friends

merry christmas!! enjoy this update as a gift from me to you <3

lee felix

"i'm gonna need help." changbin says. he was currently working on a map of the corridors. though jisung was allowed in them, he was only allowed in a certain section. only informative angels could figure out the layout of the place, just from the pure amount of knowledge they naturally held.

"i don't imagine there's many other informative angels who would be willing to risk it all for felix." minho replies.

"there is one..." changbin smiles. "hyunjin."

"hyunjin can't get into heaven, and we can't get out. with felix in here, the whole place is on lockdown until they find him." chan adds.

"not to the guardian angels." changbin looks at jeongin.

"it's true, i can still go in and out." jeongin steps forward.

"that doesn't change the fact that hyunjin can't come through." seungmin says.

"i think i can help with that." i speak up. being an angel who jumped, i was never fully banished from heaven, i have special ties to both earth and heaven. "if i could somehow hide hyunjin with my body, i may be able to pull him through with me." i tell them.

"okay, well how do we do that?" jisung asks.

"i'll need a really big coat." i tell them. they all furrow their brows at me.

"are you serious?" chan asks.

"yes preferably a long one." i add.

"like a trench coat?" seungmin cocks his head to the side.

"yes! like a trench coat." i reply. minho snorts.

"are you serious?" he asks, starting to laugh. "you're gonna do the whole 'two kids in one trench coat' thing like they do in those cheesy movies?" he asks, still laughing. the others slowly begin to join him.

"i mean, if it works it works." i defend the silly idea.

"i can't believe i'm about to agree to this, but i have a trench coat you can use." seungmin says, giggling. at this point, everyone has burst into a fit of giggles at the idea of hiding hyunjin in a trench coat.


"okay so jeongin, you'll open the portal, felix will go through with you and you'll bring hyunjin. you guys need to be quick, we can explain everything to hyunjin once he is here." chan tells us. jeongin and i nod.

"you ready?" i ask jeongin.

"as i'll ever be." he responds, preparing to open a portal. chan stops him.

"be careful." he tells us, a hand on both of our shoulders. he pulls us into a quick hug. "i want all three of you back, unharmed." he whispers to us.

"we'll be careful." jeongin reassures him. and with that, he opens the portal and we step through it. luckily, he was able to open a portal right outside of the house hyunjin spent most of his time in. we waste no time going in.

"hyunjin!" i call out.

"felix! oh my god i was so worried!" hyunjin yells from the other room, i can hear him running towards us. i smile as i see him round the corner. he quickly pulls me into a hug. "i thought i lost you..." he says, gripping me tightly.

"can't get rid of me that easily." i laugh, hugging him back.

"long time no see." jeongin speaks from behind me causing hyunjin to let go of me.

"jeongin?" he gasps, running up to hug him as well.

"i missed you." jeongin says, hugging him back.

"i missed you more! what are you doing here?" he asks.

"we'll explain later, for now, get in felix's trench coat. we're breaking you into heaven." jeongin tells him.

"trench coat?" he asks, turning back to me. i put on the trench coat, the excess fabric dragging on the ground.

"let me on your shoulders." i tell him. he snorts.

"no way..." he starts laughing.

"yeah, yeah, it's hilarious i know. now isn't the time. we're in a hurry." i roll my eyes at him. giggling, he squats down so that i can climb onto his shoulders. as i do so he securely wraps his arms around my legs. "hold on tight." i tell him as we start to fly up.

"shit! three o clock!" jeongin yells. i look over to see a few warrior angels scouting the area. "we gotta hurry!" jeongin wraps his arms around hyunjin and i and practically swings us into the portal. i squeeze my eyes shut, unsure if this would work, half expecting to feel hyunjin ripped from my lower half. but to my surprise, the two of us roll along the floor of the house. jeongin quickly following and shutting the portal.

"did it work?" chan asks, helping us off the floor.

"what a way to greet me after such a long time." hyunjin speaks, pushing the fabric of the trench coat off of him.

"hyunjin!" they all yell in unison, quickly pulling him into a group hug. and though jeongin and i had just greeted him, we join the group hug.

"can't... breathe..." hyunjin struggles being crushed by all seven of us.

"i never thought i'd see you again!" changbin smiles widely at his informative partner in crime.

"you look so weird without your wings." minho says, but the smile on his face let everyone know he was truly happy to see his old friend.

"i missed you so much! i almost forgot what your voice sounded like!" jisung says, tears brimming his eyes but he was still smiling.

"lost your wings, but kept your good looks." seungmin jokes, smiling widely at hyunjin.

"i'm so sorry i failed you..." chan was crying. "i should have protected you better, i've missed you so much." he pulls hyunjin into another hug of his own.

"i'm here now, that's what matters." hyunjin comforts him, a few tears of his own falling. slowly the initial shock of everyone seeing hyunjin after so long died down. it was such a bittersweet moment, and for that moment, we were all happy, i was happy, despite the constant aching in my heart knowing dina was suffering.

"so, is anyone gonna tell me what i'm doing up here?" hyunjin asks.

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora