chapter seven

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losing all hope


over the past few days i had convinced myself that 'fall in love' did not mean to fall in love with felix, just fall in love in general. i wasn't exactly sure how, but given that it was destiny, i was sure that it would all be revealed to me soon. unfortunately for me, earth task day came around again way too soon. my original fear of going back to earth was back, i no longer craved to see felix anymore. he only seemed to make me more confused, which was my least favorite feeling. but it seemed inevitable.

the white paint on my wings had faded with the days. i needed a new coat which meant i needed to see hyunjin. i had this nagging feeling that i couldn't see hyunjin without seeing felix. i honestly didn't trust myself around him, the way his wings made me feel was dangerous. but truth be told i had no choice, i just needed to be extra careful. i was going to have to get used to it as well, i knew felix would find me no matter what at this point. i had already spent too much time with him, but i was in too deep.

"dina, i just need you to revive a few ancient trees." coolette tells me. "i heard you like seoul, so these trees are on the outskirts of the city. they bring good fortune, fertility, and health. they're very old but it's not quite time for them to go yet." she explains. i nod. "you think you can handle it?"

"yeah, don't worry, i got it." i reassure her, to which she steps aside revealing her portal. i pull of my jacket, shaking my wings and jump into the portal. i appear in a forest, surrounded by a ton of trees, but i could already feel the energy radiating from the ones i needed to revive. i carefully work my magic on the first tree i came across, this one seeming to be the one for fertility, as i revived it and the leaves around the surrounding trees grew greener. i followed the energy to the next tree.

"there you are..." a familiar deep voice rings through my ears. i turn around, seeing the handsome blue haired boy flying behind me, his gorgeous wings nearly taking my breath away, i could see that his eyes were on my wings as well. "i missed you." he breathes, flying closer to me. i couldn't ignore the butterflies erupting in my stomach. i give him pleading eyes, trying to silently telling him i needed to finish my task.

"right, go on." he motions for me to finish my task, i was glad that he understood. i came across the second tree, quickly reviving it, the one for fortune as i watched golden specs fall from the newly livened limbs. i look back and felix was still behind me, his eyes still trained on my wings. pushing away my thoughts, i fly to the final tree, health. i quickly revive it, feeling as if the air had gotten much easier to breathe, felix must have felt it too as i hear him take a deep breath.

"all done?" he asks, watching me fly to the ground, he follows, landing next to me. i nod. i flinch as he reaches out to touch my wing, but just as the first time, my wing leans into his touch. he carefully examines the spot where the black feathers had begun to show through once again. i gulp as i stare into his eyes, they were a beautiful light brown, almost golden, my heart skips a beat when he moves his gaze from my wing to my eyes. i wanted to look away, feeling like my heart could combust at any second, but i couldn't. i even felt myself moving closer to him.

his hand falls from my wing and wraps around my waist, pulling me even closer to him, i lean into his touch, feeling my wings flutter at our close contact. his wings flutter as well. i place my hand on his shoulder in attempt to keep some distance between us as we stared into each others eyes, seemingly captivated. i don't even realize that i reach out to caress his wing until i feel a familiar sting in my own. a small smirk tugs at his lips as he notices how i didn't pull my hand away this time. but as the stinging grew, i snapped back into reality. flying backwards out of his grasp.

i look back to see the black feathers have spread further down my swirl, gasping at how much space they've covered in such a short amount of time. i look back at felix who stares at me with an interesting expression, it looked as if he was admiring me. i blink at him.

"we should go... hyunjin is waiting for us." he says, smiling at me. despite my emotions going crazy, i nod. we fly to the familiar house, it was farther this time, and the silence of the flight was deafening as i tried to wrap my brain around what just happened. it was like i wasn't in control of my own body, every nerve was on fire, but it wasn't bad. it was comforting, it felt good. no, no, no...

"hyunjin, we're here." felix announces as we make our way down the hall.

"i was getting worried— oh my god..." hyunjin cuts himself off upon seeing how the amount of black feathers had nearly tripled since last time. he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. "i only have so much white paint." he grumbles, mostly at felix who responds with a sheepish smile.

"so dina, how was your week?" felix asks, staring at me as hyunjin began to paint over my feathers.

"idiot, she's not gonna talk to you." hyunjin responds to which felix frowns. i swear i felt my heart shatter at his frown. i smile at him, wanting to do anything to get rid of his frown. he quickly smiles back, the stars on his face shimmering. my mouth falls open in awe. it was getting harder and harder to deny how i felt about him. my mind constantly wandering back to the 'fall in love' written on my paper. hyunjin's hand pushes on my jaw, causing my mouth to close.

i look over at him with a frown and he carefully shakes his head. he seemed to know something, i didn't know how i would figure it out, given that i couldn't talk to him. i used to know everything, nothing ever confused me before this stupid fallen angel report. my entire life as i knew it had shifted. i jumped as i felt felix's hand on my face. as i was lost in thought, he had stood up and made his way over to me.

"felix!" hyunjin shouts as my jump had knocked over his bucket of white paint.

"s-sorry she was frowning... i... i didn't like it." he apologizes profusely as hyunjin attempted to salvage the white paint.

"give the girl a warning at least... i can only imagine how stressed she is." he says. my wings droop at his words, i was truly stressed to the max. hyunjin groans as the black feathers he was attempting to cover fall behind my back with my sudden sadness.

"stop that... please..." felix pleads, i tilt my head at him.

"he means stop being sad." hyunjin says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"why?" i speak. my hand instantly flying to my mouth, eyes becoming impossibly wide. i can't believe i just did that. a devilish smirk pulled at felix's lips as the stars on his cheeks began to shimmer again. even hyunjin's face had been taken over with the same devilish smirk. what was happening?

fallen angel // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now