Scene 4 - Questioning the Doctor

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We see the Doctor proceed through another entrance into an access corridor. The sliding doors open to reveal the Doctor emerging from them, intrigued by who runs the operation on the moon. He observes the sign that AIOC is marked as, recognising it from the other corridors. From this, he continues on his walk. Lieutenant Cassain and Lieutenant Zenfev are armed with long black rifles which can shoot beams of energy from. They continue walking in the direction the Doctor is walking towards. Cassain holds a small microphone which allows him to communicate with the Custodian. The radio extends upwards. The Custodian's voice is heard in conversation.


You have him exactly in your sights. Next access hatchway, and he will be there.

Lieutenant Cassain:

Understood, sir.

They continue forward. The Doctor proceeds through another access chute and goes forward again. Once reaching the next doors, we see the doors automatically open for the Doctor. Lieutenant Cassain and Zenfev arrive and aim the guns at the Doctor.

Lieutenant Zenfev:

Alright. That's far enough.

The Doctor raises his hands up.


Nice blasters you got there. Will you lead me to your controller by any chance?

We see Jacques and Sortes Mandez spacewalk across the basin, carefully examining the ground around them. Their instrumentation reads traces of basalt.

Lieutenant Jacques:

We are in a minefield of basalt.

Lieutenant Sortes Mandez:

It would be funny to say that we could be the wealthiest people alive. We could keep this all to ourselves and sell it all on.

Lieutenant Jacques:

I think here is as good as any place to begin work.

They place their equipment down and prepare to start digging. In their vicinity, we start to see glowing lights. These are the same pulsating lights we saw previously. Jacques and Sortes Mandez fail to recognise them as they commence the digging.

Lieutenant Sortes Mandez:

Well, we will continue the surveillance, collect samples and report our findings to Omicron.

Lieutenant Jacques:

Then we will probably collect more.

We cut back to the Omicron complex. The Doctor is being escorted by the armed Lieutenant Cassain and Zenfev through the access corridors to meet the Custodian.


I had hoped to take a wander around, but this guided tour is delightful of you gentlemen.

Lieutenant Zenfev:

Quiet, stranger. Keep your hands up when you walk.

Cassain's communicator then contacts the Custodian's. We hear his voice emit on the transceiver.

Lieutenant Cassain:

The intruder has been apprehended, Custodian.


Bring him to me. He will answer to me personally.

Lieutenant Cassain:

And he had better have a good story.


To tell you the truth, I came out of curiosity. And see what my favourite species happened to be doing on the lunar surface.

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